week five | floral shop

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on monday i packed for new york and binged watched nextflix.

on tuesday i went to a floral shop and bought a bouquet of roses. i made the short drive to the graveyard, placing them on the granite stone.

on wednesday abbie called and said how excited she was for new york. i was happy she was finally doing well.

on thursday i went back to the graveyard. i felt warm tears slip from my eyes as i traced the lettering.
"i love you, so much, little brother."

on friday i went to the doctors and got my pills for the trip and finished packing.
the nightmares still came back that night.

on saturday  i wrote.
the sad thing is, no one ever really knows how much anyone else is hurting. we could be standing next to someone who is completely broken and wouldn't even know it.

on sunday i text my sister that i was leaving and i would call when i come home. abbie and i walked into the gate with smiles on our faces and her hand in mine. and for a moment, everything was okay.

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