Chapter 2 || 'it' has a name

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Edited 16/05/16


I fiddle with my fingers nervously. My heart longs to turn back and go home, but no, my only choice is to board the train and be sold off to the highest bidder at the annual blood slave auction, just as every other unfortunate human girl.

The atmosphere is chaotic. Some girls desperately attempt to escape and retaliate against the vampire law. They thrash about violently, causing havoc and dismay. Others stand completely still, emotionless as if they have seen a ghost.

Earlier, rebellious human girls tried to start a riot, but of course, they were no match for our super atrial superiors as they failed, and were punished on site. A little spark of hope was vanquished so simply, reminding us of how minuscule and weak human kind truly is.

No matter how hard I try, my mind will not ignore the chilling mystery of when two girls attempted to hide bellow the concrete platform in order to escape, hoping to go unseen. Just moments ago, only one returned and I know that I wasn't imagining seeing another girl jump down. She was either killed or she escaped, but we all know how slim her chances of escaping are...

A sigh escapes lips as the thought of this situation returns, bringing a saddening, blue aura along.

This is really happening, today is the day I will be thrown to a vampire like a rag to be used and disposed of at their command.

I have been dreading this day for the past two years of my life, when the vampires arose and took command.

Suddenly, I feel a body collide with mine, hitting me on my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" I turn to face a stunning brunette as apologies genuinely.

I smile at her kindness. "Oh course, it barely hurt at all."

"I'm so clumsy, plus, I'm really nervous so cut me some slack." She says jokingly and I chuckle in return.

"I'm Selena." The brunette introduces herself with a pearly white, toothy smile. Her luscious brown locks cascade down her back, ending below her breasts. She has enchanting dark brown eyes.

"Ariana." I smile.

The sound of a loud, abusive voice yells, interrupting Selena and I's introduction. "Hurry up, blood bags we don't have all day!"

We are violently pushed from every direction towards the train doors. Beside me, Selena begins panicked, I grip my hand into hers as a sign of friendly reassurance and comfort.

As we enter the train, hundreds of seats are occupied with anxious human girls. We walk along the long isle before finally finding a vacant seat. Selena sits beside me.

It takes a good ten minutes of waiting before the train is finally ready to depart, not that I mind the waiting, the longer it takes, the longer my few remaining hours freedom will last.

"I heard the royals are attending this year." Selena exclaims, full of excitement.

I frown. I don't understand why anyone could be excited over the attendance of the heartless beasts who caused the world to be like it is today, corrupt and despairing for human existence.

"And that's a good thing?" I mutter sarcastically.

They Lords can receive whatever they want, whenever they need it, the finest of blood at the snack of their fingers as they sit on their almighty thrones.

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