Chapter 8 || Betrayal

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I wake up with the throbbing pain of a migraine, a pain I have felt many times but never this severe. My muscles ache everywhere making it painful to even move. I slowly let my eyes droop open to reveal that I am not in the castle but a foreign place. I am lying in a small dark room resembling a prison cell. The cold stone tiles sends shivers on my skin. Panic soon rolls into my mind.

Why am I here? How long have I been here? Who put me here? Will I ever get out?

I want to scream, I don't care about the consequences or whether I disturb my kidnapper. I scream as loud as my chest will bare. The dreadful sound echoes through the building. Someone is bound to hear and then come to my rescue. Right?

I put my heavy wrists in my lap. They are held in shackles with bruises swelling around my wrists. I attempt to stand up. My head spins. My legs give way and I collapse in failure. I am too weak.

A growl rumbles in my stomach and I finally notice how hungry I am. I am starving. I usually have the privilege of having three meals a day, I have never been this hungry in my life.

I glance around the empty room one more time with deep thoughts tumbling around my mind. Did Harry put me here? No, couldn't be. He would never do something this reckless and unkind...well, I hope not. Not unless he's like the rest of his kind, those blood-sucking monsters.

I squeeze my temples, trying to remember as much as possible. My head aches making it harder to concentrate. That guard... The one that told me Harry wasn't coming and offered to take me back to the palace. He wasn't who he said he was. He was a liar.

I struggle to remember. Its like putting a puzzle together when you don't even have all the pieces. I am missing something. A big detail. That's it! I remember now. That guard had drugged me. He apologised then kidnapped me. He is the one that put me here. But is he working alone?

My headache returns, stronger than ever. I need to rest.

Another growl escapes my aching stomach. I hold it in agony. I glance around the room yet again. The walls feel as if they are closing in. Trapping me. I'm not paranoid. They are coming closer. I don't fight the urge to panic. I let out another ear piercing cry for help.

"Please! Somebody help me!" I cry at the top of my lungs. I scream again. My throat is sore but I won't be silenced. "Help!" I cry one more time but my voice breaks. My throat burns an agonising pain. Tears escape my eyes. "Please, please," I softly mutter, repetitively. A warm liquid dripping down my now damn cheeks.

I bring my sore knees to my chest for comfort. Cocooning into the corner of the cell.

"Would you keep in down in here?" A startling male voice demands making me jump in freight. I snap my head up. He stands on the other side of the strong prison bars. He has a large, muscular build, intimidating me to the core. His hair is styled into a neat quiff. He was deep forest brown eyes.

He suddenly drops a metal tray to the floor, causing a loud racket. His brown leather boots kick the tray underneath the bar and into my cell.


I look at the glop of food on the tray. It looks and smells like pig food. I turn my nose up and look away.

"Fine by me, starve yourself. I don't care." He nonchalantly says. He begins to walk away, I attempt to stop him. I want answers.

"Wait!" I croak. I get on my feet, trying to come across as not feeling any pain. "Who are you?" I ask bravely.

He chuckles and I frown. "You really expect me to just tell you?"

I shrug. "Why not, you know my name."

"Fine, if I tell you who I am, you have to answer a question for me." He negotiates. I easily accept his deal, not thinking of the consequences. What harm could answering a simple question do anyway?


"Okay," he begins. "My name is Liam Payne and I am a north rebel."

My eyes widen. I'm being held captive by a rebel.

"Now you have to answer my question. Why did Harry buy you?" He questions with a slight smirk.

I cringe at the word 'buy'.

"Well I can't answer that. I don't know why." I speak truthfully. I also am wondering why.

"Nonsense. You must know."

I shake my head.

"Fine, you must answer another question. What is Harry planning against the rebels?"

"I can't answer that either. I don't know."

"Of course you know, you're his little pet, you follow him everywhere." He smirks.

Anger builds inside of me. I am not just his pet. How dare he speak to me like that?

"I don't know." I say with all seriousness.

"Fine," he sighs. "Another question then. Where is the palace's escape room?"

I scoff. "I wouldn't have a clue. I've never been there."

He a dark growl escapes his lips. "I know you're lying. You're lying to protect him. For your own safety, I recommend you start talking."

"I am not a liar!" I shout, offended by his accusation.

"You are! And you need to learn how to respect your superior!" His eyes darken, gripping his hands onto the prison cell bars.

"I will learn to respect when I am given something respectable. And that certainly isn't you."

He grits his sharp fanged teeth then hissed. He knocks his hands against the bars causing a rattle. I barely flinch at his attempt to scare me.

"This is your last chance." He growls. "Answer me."

I stare him straight in the eye. His eyes fade into a strong wine red. I will not back down. I must learn to be brave. To fight for myself for what is right.

I keep eye contact until he finally looks away with a loud huff.

"Fine. If you won't answer to me, maybe she'll answer to you." He turns around to face someone standing beside him which I can't see. The prison wall is blocking my view.

"This isn't an interrogation, Liam." Says the man beside him. Hold on... I know that voice. The voice that was my first friend in the palace. One whom I thought I could trust.

The familiar curly haired boy walks into my view. He runs a hand through his messy brown locks. I can't even look at him, I lower my gaze to the floor and resist the urge to spit at his feet. I thought I could trust him. That despicable back stabber.

"Ariana please, I just want to walk." He says sincerely, his tone soft and innocent. He tries to lure me into the trap but I pull away.

I raise my vision and we catch eye contact. Tears gather at the brim of eye. I trusted him.

"Louis, how could you?"

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