Chapter 20 || The Unidentified Hero

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Thank you for all the lovely comments! It really inspired me to keep writing
Enjoy lovelies xx


I race down the palace halls without purpose, without a destination.




Too many names, too many problems and responsibilities. Too many situations that have been left unsorted; an unfinished puzzle.

A sense of claustrophobia wavers in the midst of my mind.

I long to explore the palace gardens, a place feel utterly assured and safe, a haven where I can clear my thoughts and briefly escape the complexities of my life.

But yet, I am trapped here, confined even further, limited to space inside the castle walls.

After the recent rebel attacks, Harry enforced a new rule; I was not to explore the gardens.

The lifestyle I am forced to endure here in the palace is restricting. I don't get to see what little remains of my family, nor my friends, and now I don't even get to go outside!

The little amount of freedom I held has been taken away from me.

I have nowhere to go, nothing to do.

A thought enters my mind... The tunnels.


The familiar sound of water-or whatever liquid it may be- dripping, echoes throughout the unexplored space. The underground tunnels stretch for what seems like miles, yet I will never be sure.

In human sight, only a few metres from where I stand is visible. Light is seeping in from behind me and every so often, there is a candle lit attachment on to the wall, illuminating the dark and gloomy space.

The mossy stoned walls; seemingly made in the medieval times are damp and cold to touch. The moss spouts from between the tiles and spreads like an contagious airborne disease.

Excluding the rhythmic drops of water, I hear nothing but complete silence.

I look behind my shoulder at the yet-to-be-sealed metal door, rethinking whether or not to carry out my adventure... Is that what this is? An adventure? I'm not even sure.

I don't know why I am doing this. I am looking for nothing in particular... Well, that I know of. Entertainment? Answers? An escape? I guess I desire a little but of everything, but what I do know is that I am not looking for trouble, even if I am about to cause it.

I gently seal the heavy metal door. It creaks loudly and echoes throughout the space. If there is a possibility of somebody else being inside these tunnels, they definitely know I am here now.

I begin walking down the candle lit path, searching for nothing in particular. After moments of walking, a breakage of the pathway comes into sight.

Without much thought, I turn the corner. The new pathway is very similar to the other, with the difference of decreased light source.

My lust for exploration is satisfied as I follow the tunnels, making turns and even climbing stairways. I have been walking for ages, but in my mind, time doesn't seem to interfere.

Before I know it, I have reached a dead end. The first thought that comes to mind is to turn back and follow another path.

Then a dreadful realisation daunts me.

I am lost.

Other then a horrible memory and sense of direction, I haven't been keeping track of where I have been going: I have no clue where I am... I have no hope.

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