Chapter 15 || Combat

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Sorry for this taking so long! I've been rewriting my first few chapters cos they are honestly so poorly written ahh

I promise the next update will be up soon!

Enjoy x


I frantically sit upright, silently quivering under his glare. Even under poor lighting, his anger-filled, blood red eyes never go unseen.

I cowardly look away, expecting my punishment, awaiting to be yelled at. I already feel quilt swelling in my stomach and he hasn't even said anything yet.

Moments pass without a single word slipping from his mouth. I open my eyes and there he stands; no longer looking angry with his piercing red eyed glare. The only expression I can read from his face is pure disappointment.

Harry looks down, avoiding eye contact with my quilt infused eyes. I feel ashamed. He looks so hurt...

Harry slowly walks out of my room, leaving me wondering what on earth I have done.


I nervously stand outside of the crowd compact with experienced supernatural fighters, watching as Harry's troops train for battle. I'm not afraid of the fact that I am surrounded by vampires- the superior and almost indestructible race that rules the planet- I am frightened by Harry. Just the thought of him makes my knees shake violently and a shiver to crawl down my spine. I am intimidated of what he is capable of, especially since he is the king of not only me, but the entire earth, well... excluding the rumours of Australia being a safe haven for all species of life.

I used to think he wouldn't hurt me, but every time I think of him as a gentle, kind and compassionate vampire, a horrific memory reminds me to think otherwise. The last time I upset Harry, he attacked me... I can only imagine in the darkest places of my mind what he will do next, I have upset him too many times.

The maids told me I had to meet Harry here, so here I wait, expecting him to notice me at any moment.

Harry patrols the field, observing and critiquing his soldiers. He's too engaged in his work to notice my presence, but I understand, it's a part of his job of being King.

Moments later, as Harry evaluates a particular struggling troop, his gaze wanders astray, then finally, he notices me standing beyond the crowd. Harry immediately rushes to my side in vampire speed, causing me to stumble back carelessly in surprise.

"I thought you wouldn't come." Harry mutters as he stands beside me, intently watching the crowd as he speaks.

"Why is that?" I enquire.

Harry lets out a dark chuckle, then speaks as if he is mocking me. "I just thought you'd be with him, it seems to be the only thing you do when I turn my back anyways. Is there any other private encounter with that fool that I am unaware of?"

I scoff at his spiteful words that still manage to offend me.

"No! I only saw him once. I don't see why you have such a problem with that anyways! Why are you making such a big deal out of nothing?"

"Did I or did I not tell you to stay away from him?"

"Harry, please, stop acting this way, this isn't like you at all." I cry, trembling under his intimidating gaze, although I try to conceal my fears, nothing slips by Harry without his awareness.

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