Chapter 4 || Meetings and Reuinions

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"What are we doing today?" I ask him as we walk through the never ending halls. He walks with a powerful stride. He glares determinedly as his strong boots crunch the ancient wood planks of he castle.

"Hello?" I tap his shoulder like a child. I fail to catch up with his quick pace.

"We're going to see the castle's doctor." He says firmly with a husky tone.

I hate doctors. They scare the living hell out of me. I can never trust them. God knows whats in those long, thick needs that pierce my skin. That could be poisoning me, not helping me as they say they do. They are liars. My mother never believed my theories about the doctor we visited. She said I was talking complete rubbish.

"Don't worry love, there's nothing to be afraid of." He smirks, looking forward.

"Stop reading my thoughts!" I smacked him on the chest. Expecting it to hurt him, but no, it only hurt me.

"Ouch!" I cry, holding my own hand in pain. Well this is just embarrassing. He chuckles and I glare at him.

"We're almost there." He leads me outside of the castle and around a corner. We walk on a tattered, pebble path until we reach a separate building from the castle. It is covered in creamy white paint with cracks and chaffing it. It has moss, streaming down the side. Plants are covered everywhere, almost camouflaging the building in wildlife. The windows are closed, making it harder to look inside. The building looks dark and mysterious inside. The building has an intriguing vibe.

"Are you coming or what?" Harry asks from afar. He is already standing near the door, I didn't realise I was staring at the building for so long.

We walk inside. The room is almost all coloured white. It's is filled with medical items. This is definitely the doctors room. Strange substances linger inside test tubes. An almost identical man to Harry is working with the test tubes. He is mixing unknown
substances like a mad scientist. He rummages through a drawer until he notices Harry and I. He looks slightly different. His hair is smoothed back delicately and he wears thick black glasses.

"Ahh. You must be the stunning Ariana Grande." He runs forward to great me. He gives me his hand to shake which a gladly accept.

I smile. "Hello to you too...?"

"Marcel."He finishes my sentence. "Marcel is my name."

"What a lovely name." He grins showing his deep dimples. How cute. Way cuter then Harry... Not saying Harry's cute or anything.

Harry looks down to me with an evil smirk. Was he reading my thoughts again?

"I didn't know you had a brother Harry." I say questionably.

"He's not my brother. He's my clone." Harry emotionlessly states. What? What kind of a sick world is this? I stare at him blankly and Marcel smiles.

"We're just kidding." Marcel says. Phew. "You should have seen your face! It was priceless!" He bursts into a fit of laughter. Harry simply chuckles.

"He's my twin. And I'm two minutes older so I get to do this-" Harry runs up to Marcel. Puts him in a headlock and scruffs up his hair with his knuckles.

I lightly laugh. Seeing siblings play like this reminds me of my dear little sister Darcy.

After fixing his hair, Marcel speaks up. "Nevertheless, Harry, I need a blood sample from Ariana and I need your permission."

My heart drops. I feel like I'm going to barf up my breakfast. I don't want and vermin vampires using my blood for any sort of research! God knows what they'll do. Or Maybe they just want my blood to drink...

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