Chapter 13 || Disclosure

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Cheers to heyarigrande genesisangel1 and to 1dkings Sweetheartfilia for being so supportive! I love you all so much <3

Sorry this has taken so bloody long. I know, I suck.

Enjoy xx


"Are you okay miss?" Lola asks sincerely as I sit on the bed eating my breakfast while the maids scatter across the room doing their job.

"I'm perfectly fine. Is something wrong?" I question.

"No, no... You just seemed a little dazed that's all."

I send a warm smile at Lola. I can't help but feel blessed to have Lola's presence around, she's awfully honest and kind.

I want to get to know these girls and to be able to call them a close friend. We all know nothing about each other, if we are going to be spending the rest of our lives in this place I think it would be pleasant to make it a little happier.

My heart longs to pour out all the emotions and thoughts gathering inside of me and I'm sure they want to too.

"Actually Lola, tell me about you, how are you feeling?"

Lola's eyes widen in shock. She seems to be taken aback by a simple question.

"Oh... it's rare that a quest in the palace actually asks about me," Lola chuckles softly. "I'm fine, thank you." She smiles solemnly.

"Well, to be completely honest with you, I guess I'm a bit mopey because the palace has introduced new rules that limits our holidays to two weeks a year, not three. It doesn't really make that much of a difference, but to me, seeing my family is everything." Lola opens up, sighing at the thought of her family. I feel a sharp pang in my heart as I can relate to Lola, I sympathise her deeply.

"The Kingdom's rules are quite harsh aren't they?" I say. All of the girls nod in approval of my statement.

"Sometimes I wish I didn't work here... but of course I'd miss you all, my dearest friends." Lola smiles as she turns to look at Kenna and Aylee lovingly as they do the same to her.

"If you don't mind me asking, why do you work here if you don't like it?" I enquire, trying my best not to step over any private boundaries.

"Well, I don't exactly have a choice, none of us do really. My family desperately needs the money so they sold me to the palace for work. Of course they didn't want to give me away, I understand their reasoning."

"Oh Lola, I'm so sorry." I speak apologetically.

"I may miss my family but I'm truly grateful to be here, I have a roof over my head and three meals given to me each day."

"I guess I could say the same thing." I agree.

"We're all here because we've either done something to retaliate against the king's laws or have been sold by our family." Lola announces as she looks across the girls in the room with as they heads.

"You girls don't have to answer, but what did you all do?" I question.

Aylee clears her throat and begins to speak for the first time "I was forced to work here as punishment for stealing an apple for my starving brother, I find it quite silly. The Lords pitied me as I was meant to be sentenced to a lifetime in jail. They put me to work here instead"

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