Chapter 16 || Goodbyes

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IM SO SO SO SORRY THIS HAS TAKEN SO LONG! I convinced myself this would be an early update but now it's the complete opposite! I've literally had no free time to update recently! I promise you that the next update with be an early one... I hope

Enjoy lovelies x


The paralysing sound of his muffled sobs, piece by piece, breaks my heart.

My eyes remain closed. Possibly because I feel tears beginning to swell inside of them, or maybe for the reason that I just can't build the energy to try.

"Sorry brother, but you really can't be in here now." A familiar voice speaks.

A distressed sigh escapes Harry as his figure stands, the agonising sound of his chair being scraped across the floor as he rises. Slowly and reluctantly, his boots march towards the exit, their crunches echo throughout the almost silent room.

It feels as if a piece of me is missing as I no longer feel his presence beside me.

The metal door handle is firmly shut. I hear the doctor who spoke before- Marcel, if I remember correctly- pacing hurriedly across the room.

I finally gain the energy and motivation to open my enclosed eyes. At first, my vision is blurred when revealed to a hospital room, but soon, my sight is restored, displaying a rather excited and pleased Marcel.

"Ah, you're awake!" He beams, pen and paper held tightly to his chest, which he soon begins to scribble on.

With the best of my ability, I produce a weak smile.

"How are you feeling?" Marcel wanders over to stand beside my bed.

"Surprisingly... alright, I guess." I mumble truthfully. I lift my arms to test my strength, feeling no pain what-so-ever although extremely tired.

"It's great isn't it? The affect that vampire blood has on humans is incredible!" Marcel exclaims.

A nauseated feeling tumbles in the pit of stomach. I immediately gain an unsettling feeling of my breakfast considering coming back up, and out of my mouth.

Marcel notices my unpleasant and rather uncomfortable expression.

"Don't worry love, when we asked Harry permission to inject you with his blood, he insisted the blood be Luke's. He thought you'd be less disgusted... and possibly even feel better if the blood wasn't his."

I instantly feel the familiar pang of guilt in my chest. Harry must feel so ashamed as to think of himself that way- a disgust, hated through my eyes.

"Harry's really sorry you know..." Marcel mutters.

"I'm not upset with him. It was completely my choice to get involved, even if I may be hurt, I don't regret jumping in, stopping the fight."

Marcel half-heartedly smiles at my response. "He's going to be so happy to hear that."

"That's great." I mumble. It isn't long until silence spreads across the room.

"You know, Ariana... He wasn't just upset about Luke breaking his rules, it's he fact that by doing so, you broke his heart." Marcel says sincerely. A wave of confusion engulfs me before Marcel continues. "I'm no love doctor-" I roll my eyes in response to his attempted hilarious pun. "-but you, my dear, are utterly and completely blind. Harry is in love with you! You just don't see it."

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