Chapter 17 || Everything Will Change

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I am deprived of sleep when I am awoken by the sound of an ongoing, somewhat menacing siren, blasting from every direction. I immediately sit upright, alarmed.

Something is horribly wrong.

Around me, the familiar hospital room in which I have been kept for the past day, although, I pay no attention to the room before me, instead, to the window, where I see frantically paced hospital goers racing up and down the halls, desperately trying to reach their destination.

Then it hits me. What am I meant to be doing? Where I am supposed to go? Surely this hospital bed will not keep me safe from whatever may be causing the chaos.

My heart begins thumping within my chest as I begin to panic. My body violently shakes, an earthquake of fear erupting inside of me.

I try to ignore my fears as I jump from the hospital bed, my bare feet landing on the cold floor. I race toward the door and pull it open frantically.

I am tempted to scurry back into my room like a coward.

I have always hated crowds.

The panic. The desperation. Being wedged in between strangers, pushed and shoved as if you are invisible, no apologies given.

But this is different. As far I as know, this may be a matter of life and death.

I am about to join the sea of bodies when I am stopped by a pair of cold hands. I assume the person will be Harry or maybe I just hope that it will be him, but as I turn around, I find I am mistaken. Marcel. At first sight, I thought my assumption was correct, but the glasses and gelled back hair reminds me otherwise.

"Ariana! Quickly, follow me. Harry will literally kill me if anything happens to you!" He exclaims.

Marcel gently grabs my wrist and guides me to stand behind him, quickly slipping into the crowd. I am violently pushed as bodies pass me, hurried. Some whizz past in a speed unachievable by humans, but only possible to the supernatural. I am overwhelmed by my surroundings.

I feel the urge to run. We are trapped, surrounded by strangers moving desperately slow. Whatever-whomever- that is causing this much panic in a heavily guarded area must be extremely powerful and dangerous.

We have nearly reached the end of the frustratingly long hospital hallway. Marcel is determined to reach wherever he was talking me quickly.

The everlasting siren rapidly changes sound. Now, faster and louder, a warning that the attack is becoming worse. Immediately, people begin to panic, even more then what was felt before. Deafening shrieks of fear escape those around me. The crowd spirals into chaos, a desperate attempt to escape.

I feel Marcel's grip on my hand tighten.

"Follow me." He instructs, stopping to insure that I have hear him among all the pandemonium. I am led astray from the crowd as we steer from the centre of the madness and towards the wall, where we stand behind a locked door. We are overlooked, people move straight past us. Marcel rummages around in his coat pocket to find a electronic key which he swipes on the lock. The door clicks open and I am swiftly pulled inside, feeling momentarily safe.

Marcel finally releases my wrists, but continues to move. I follow Marcel through the many hidden corridors and pathways buried in the castle. I am rushed, therefore unable to concentrate on my surroundings. Marcel guides me down a flight of narrow, medieval-seeming stairs. My bare feet become even colder on each icy stone step we touch. When we reach the bottom, I follow Marcel down another slim pathway until we stop behind a large metal door. He pulls out another key- but this time a traditional metal one- and unlocks the door in a pressurised, hurried manner. The door is pulled open to reveal a man wearing a guards uniform, holding a gun which is pointed at Marcel.

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