Chapter 18|| Ascending

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Thank you so much for all the positive feedback on the last chapter!! I can't explain how much it helps. Argh I love you guys
Now I know I said that the last two chapter would be early but I swear to god the next one will...I hope...again
Enjoy x,


A day has passed since the South Rebel's horrific attack on the Royal Palace. The castle still grieves over the many lives that were lost, some of which were the palace's guards; their duty to protect the royals, others, simply the innocent who were murdered to prove a point; to make us fear them.

Over fifty people-vampire and human-were slaughtered mercilessly.

The majority of the usual palace goers seem fazed and off-put by the assault, whilst others (mostly vampires) act as if nothing ever happened.

The Royal palace has been victim to many uprisings before, as Harry has told me. It isn't anything too out of the ordinary, although the assaults are occasional.

The palace awaits to be reconstructed. The destruction the North Rebels left behind is still present in castle, damaged yet untouched, a wound awaiting to tended to.

This morning, the palace gathered to mourn for those who were killed.

I remain spooked by the entire situation. Many people lost their lives on that dreadful day not long ago. Too many lives. I am thankful that it isn't anyone I know, or even myself for that matter. I know what it is like to loose the people whom you love. I have felt that pain.

I am lucky to have survived the day without a scratch.

Will the Rebels attack again? And will it be soon?

They say actions speak louder than words, but is violence truly the answer? The Rebels want to spread their message; they are dangerous and will stop at nothing to get what they want.

Everything will change; the message the rebels left behind, along with the many corpses and the everlasting stench of rotting blood.

As I sit comfortably in my bed, smothered by silk, questions -without answers- fog my thought bafflingly. I wonder what exactly the North Rebels meant by 'everything will change' and when exactly change will be evident, and how significant it will be.

I question my safety.

I think of those who are wounded. And those who are grieving.

But the most dreadful of all haunts me deeply. Was Louis apart of the attack? Did he mercilessly dicaputate unfornute men and women, who's bodies have been left to display their darkest of capabilities? Can I call him a friend if he has committed all these despicable actions?

Glancing at the clock it reads; 12:38PM. I haven't left the comforts of my bed all day, nor eaten, which is strange for me because breakfast is my favourite meal, and usually the reason my motivation for weakening in the first place.

Although, I want to get up, I lack the motivation and quite frankly, I am too upset. In my heart lies an indescribable emptiness. Surrounds me, an aura of blue. I feel like an incomplete puzzle, the remaining pieces stripped from my grasp.

I will never see Luke again. My childhood friend and first crush. The only person who reminded me of the days when I was free, well, when humans were free that is... The days when life held endless opportunities and to even be alive was a blessing itself- not a walking blood bag. The days when I was completely and utterly happy...

Humanity || Harry Styles VampireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora