Chapter 6 || Witch please

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Dedicated to nataliahernandez140 for being so supportive for my story! :) Thanks to everyone who is reading and voting on this story, it means so much to see my work that I try so hard on being appreciated xxx

Ily all <3


The constant, repetitive noise of tapping awakens me from my short slumber. My eyes hastily open, drooping down from a lack sleep. I struggled to fall asleep last night. The pain was unbearable. Eventually, I cried myself into slumber. The pain was unbearable, physically and mentally. You know when something bad has happened to you and you go through stages of emotions? I haven't passed the stage sadness into anger. I am caught in the middle.

My hatred for vampires has grown to a level that I didn't know was possible.

Rubbing my face, I realise that my cheeks are moist and my forehead is sweaty. My pillow is damp and wet because of my tears. I peel the fabric of my sweaty body and attempt to sit up.

A powerful wave of aching washes over my head. The pain throbs and pulses in my skull. My brain feels like it's on overdrive, but at the same time can't process properly. People and memories run through my head, but they're chasing each other round and round. My mind can't catch a single one.

I hold my shaky hands up to my head and hold it. Trying to wash the pain away. I rub my temples, attempting to slow down my brain activity. I hear the tapping noise again and realise that someone is at the door.

"Hello?" I croak. My mouth is dry and aching.

"Miss? You need to get up immediately. Harry instructed me to inform you that you have to meet at training in half an hour and you still haven't had breakfast yet." I process who's voice that is. It is very familiar and I can't quite put my finger on it. That's right! It's Old Bat-Face! I've missed her so much! Even thought I'm pretty sure she hates my guts...

"Coming!" I yelp, standing upright. I wobble unsteady. Every single corner of my body aches. Harry should feel ashamed of himself. I never expected that he would put me through so much pain. I understand that it is my job, I knew this day was coming, but he was so insensitive about it, he could have at least been gentle. I mean, he must have a lot of experience, he's been around for God knows how many years.

Limping over to the closet, I pick out an outfit, trying to be fast. I wouldn't want to upset that beast any further. Rushing downstairs, I hobble to the kitchen and quickly eat my muffin. Old Bat-face supervises me.

"What happened to you, you look absolutely dreadful!"

"Why thank you." I scoff sarcastically with muffin in my mouth. I get up, put my plate in one of the many sinks and sigh. I slowly ease myself through the many hallways and corners. I don't want to be late, but I don't want to see... 'it'

I spot the soldiers in the distance, they are violently throwing each other in the air. Every step I take, my heart beats faster. Reaching in training ground, I see Harry. He watches over each and every one of his soldiers like a hawk. He monitors their movements as if they were his prey. His furrowed eyebrows relax, his eyes no longer squint, he has noticed me. He slowly turns his head and with every muscle in my body, I resist the urge to run away like a coward. I quickly look away, pretending not to see him. In the corner of my eye I see him walk closer, I tense.

"Ari!" Luke's voice calls and I smile. I use this opportunity to escape an awkward conversation with Harry. I quickly run to Luke who is standing beside a tree.

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