Chapter 12 || Uncovering

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Sorry the updates have been taking pretty long lately... I've gotten so many assignments and it's been soooo hectic!! But don't worry so much drama is gonna go down later like woah

2k!!! Thank you all for voting and commenting, I love you guys so much

Enjoy xx

I hold the warm mug in my hands as I slowly dawdle up the stairs, talking small sips as I go. I am exhausted. I have to fight to keep my falling eyelids from closing.

I finally reach the top of the staircase. My room is just down this hall, then one turn left. To my suprise, Harry is blocking the door, waiting for my arrival.

Harry taps on his phone, an object that used to have meaning to me, I haven't touched one in years. He lifts his head when he notices my presence.

"Fun day, yeah?" He says, putting his phone in his pocket.

"Yeah, it was great. Thanks for taking me Harry." I smile.

"No problem."

We stand together in silence awkwardly. I don't think he realises that he's blocking the doorway to my bedroom....

"Oh sorry!" He apologises, jumping away from the door.

"Don't worry about it." I laugh. Kenna, Aylee and Lola all exit the room through the open door, giggling. They each pass Harry with their heads down, trying to contain their cheeky laughter. I can't help but notice the suspicious smile Harry sends Kenna...

I enter my room and Harry follows behind. I turn around to see him shutting the door behind us.

Déjà Vu strucks me powerfully. The horrific memory of the day he drank from me returns, a reoccurring nightmare.

The way the light from outside illuminated his body. The way he shut the door, trapping us together. He loomed closer, forcing me to press against the wall. I remember every single part. Every second. Every emotion and all the pain.

Harry notices my edginess. His face softens, guilt glimmers in his evergreen eyes. I assume he's reading my thoughts, but I don't care, he deserves to know how I felt.

A question has been boiling in my mind ever since with left Auntie Amelia's house, I can't help but let the words slip out of my mouth.

"We're safe, right?" The words burst out of me. Harry sits with a confused frown on his face. "From the rebels..." I say, slightly nervous for the answer.

Harrys frown becomes deeper. "I can't promise you that Ariana...The north rebels got you once, I'm sure they have the ability to do something bad again... and they're not even the worst of the rebels! The south rebels have double the strength! Double the power and double the motivation!" Harry speaks somewhat disappointly with himself. "But i can promise you that I will try my very hardest to keep you safe." Harry smiles whole-heartedly, reassuring me as he looks me in the eye.

A storm of quilt wells in my stomach. I can't help but feel bad for everything that has happened.

"...But you don't need to worry about the north rebels. After all, Louis likes you." Harry states calmly, his face emotionless. I sit gobsmacked, completely confused with the situation. What did he just say?

Harry watches my reaction intently. If I didn't know any better I'd say he was reading my thoughts this exact moment.

Harry looks away, then blankly stares at the floor. We sit in silence until he finally speaks up.

"I know you met him that day, in the gardens... when you tried to escape... you don't have to deny it, I know its the truth."

My heart beat stops for a moment in time. Words can't seem to come out, no apologies, no anything, just silence.

I look to Harry, he continues to stare at the ground emotionlessly.

"Anyways, I'm going to a conference, ill be back in two days." and with that, Harry abruptly stands and exits the room, leaving me utterly speechless.

If he knew all this time, why didn't he say anything and why wasn't he mad? Harry confuses me deeply, he can be so apologetic at times, others, he screams and then feeds on me out of anger yet also goes out of his way to be kind. I seem to be forgetting the side of him that rules the world with unfair laws and policies.

I lie down in my comfortable bed and begin sorting out my thoughts.

I restlessly toss and turn in my soft silk sheets. I can't manage to fall asleep. I simply stare at the ceiling, noticing all the precise patterns and details that have been carved into the walls.

A noise comes from outside, but I hear things overnight, the woods are home to many strange animals and beasts that produce noises of the sort.

The same tapping sounds continues. Okay... maybe its not just the woods.

I slowly crawl out of the sheets, my legs dangle off the side of the bed, I jump to the floor and then walk to the sound source; my window.

The delicate silken curtains blow in the wind. I brush the material off my face and then peer outside. I squint but I can't see anyone-anything in the distance. I finally give up and am about to close the windows when something jumps onto the window ceil ledge. I jump aback suddenly in shock. Quickly climbing back onto my feet I see a familiar face. Louis.

I smile, it seems like its been ages since I've seen his face around.

"May I?" Louis gesture permission for entrance into my room. I nod, laughing lightly at his formality.

He jumps of the window ceil and onto the floor smiling.

"Hey darling." He smiles. "Did you miss me?"

I scoff jokingly. "No way!"

He pouts, pretending to be hurt.

Guilt and anxiousness washes over me at the memory of Louis, and how Harry knows about the day me met.

"What's wrong?" Louis notices my sudden change of character.

"Harry knows, Louis. He knows about the day we met... God knows what else he is aware of."

Louis sighs. "Don't worry. He's just bluffing. He doesn't know anything and it's going to stay that way. I'm sure of it." He smiles confidently and I feel reassured.

"Thanks Louis." I mutter, but loud enough for him to hear. The room falls silent briefly.

"Have you mind up your mind Ariana?" Louis looks me in the eye. He can probably see the confusion evident on my face.

"Are you ready to join the rebels?" My heart drops, the question I have been avoiding for as long as I can, even I don't know the answer!

"Oh..." I mutter. "I'm sorry Louis, but I haven't made up my mind yet. I really don't know."

"That's okay. Take as long as you want."

Louis leaps for the window. He stands on the window ceil before turning around to face me. Louis winks cheekily before plunging into the outside darkness.

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