Chapter 1- Awkward Meeting..

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Hey guys!! Im new to wattpad and this is my first fanfic! I hope you enjoy it! I will be updating asap. Especially since i have school! That totally sucks! Anyways, here is chapter 1......

Abigail's P.O.V

" Abi, wake up!" Mom yelled.

"What time is it?" I groaned.

"You're late for school!" Mom shouted!

"What??!?" I yelled.

I hated being late for school. Whenever I walk in to class, everyone stares at me. Its an uncomforatable feeling to have when you know that all eyes are up at you.

I got up as quick as i can and did my usual morning routine. I went to the bathroom,brushed my teeth, took a shower, dress up, and eat breakfast. My mom drives me to school and from there, she goes to work.


" Bye Mom. Love you." I said, stepping out of the car.

"Love you, too sweetheart. Have a great day!" My mom said back

Sometimes I wouldn't be in the mood for my mom to drive me to school so I would normally walk. Since I was late, I needed my mom to drive me.

I was late for my first class. As I entered the classroom, all eyes were on me.

My first class was English. That was the subject I absolutely sucked at!

"Sorry I'm late Miss Anderson." I spoke in a low voice.

"Take a seat!" She yelled back.

All my teachers were strict but not as strict as her. She actually frightened me. I sat in my usual seat, which was in the the seat right next to my best friend, Jessica. (I call her Jess,though)

"Why are you so late?" Jess asked, whispering so the teacher wouldn't hear.

" Well..." I started. " Apparently, my alarm didn't go off for some reason and my mom didn't realize. She was surprised not to see me downstairs for breakfast. She knew I probably

overslept and my alarm didn't go off. She, then, told me I overslept and I was late." I whispered back.

"Oh.." she started. "Anyways, wanna go shopping today?" she asked.

"Sorry. I can't. My mom said she needed to talk to me about something important. If I finish homework early and the conversation my mom wants to talk to me about is over quickly, then I'll call you and tell you that we can go." I whispered back

"Miss Miller, how dare you come late and talk to another student and distract them?" Miss Anderson hissed at me. "You have detention. That'll give you time to learn what you missed!" She continued.


Ughhhh. Detention was so boring and horrible! Mrs. Anderson would give me work without explaining what to do. She expected me to figure it out.

Anyways, I called my mom and told her that I got detention and she was yelling at me

through the phone. I told her I would explain everything later.

When detention, or should I say hell, was over, my mom was waiting outside the school in her car. I got in and she started to drive us home.

"I am very disappointed in you, Abi. Why do you have to act so irresponsible sometimes?

You are turning 18 in a month and you are off to college soon. This is your last year of high school. What did you do to get yourself in detention?" My mother asked.

"I was talking to Jessica during class. It's not a big deal. I don't get my teacher. She made it seem like it was such a big deal." I said, quietly

"Did you really have to talk to her during class, though? Why couldn't you wait until you had a free period or lunch and then talk to her?" My mom asked.

"I'm sorry. I won't do it again." I said, feeling a bit irritated that my mom was making such a big deal about it, too.

The rest of the ride home was quiet, none of us saying a word to the other. I could tell that my mom wasn't mad at me. She just wasn't pleased by my 'irresponsible' behavior.


We finally got home and I decided to go upstairs, to my room, to put down my bag. When I

went downstairs into the kitchen, I took out some ingredients to make my-self a quick sandwich.

Then, my mom came into the kitchen and told me she wanted to talk to me about something.

"Well..." She began. "This is going to be an awkward conversation." She finished, sighing.

"O....kayyyy" I said, obviously curious and clueless. I honestly have no idea what my mom wanted to talk to me about.

"Well... You know who discovered Justin Bieber, right?" She asked, enthusiastically.

'Why the hell would my mom have a conversation with me about the founder of Justin Bieber?' I thought to my-self.

Well, I guess Ill just have to keep listening to find out.



Yayayayayayayayayayayay!!!! I'm so happy! This is the end of my first chappie in my new story! I hope you guys liked it! I will be uploading very soon hopefully!

Again, thanxxxx so much for reading! Please vote and comment!!

Maybe your votes+comments will = early update! Lol

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