Chapter 6- I Actually Met Him

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Abi's P.O.V:

Don't think I wasn't shocked from all of this.

I still was.

Anyways, I was making my way to the waiting area where my mom probably was, when someone ran up to me and hugged me.

"Honey, that was amazing! You should've seen yourself. You have a chance in this! Who am I kidding....... You're totally getting in!!" My mom said, all excited.

Her saying that, made me feel more confident about myself.

"Thanks mom. But there were probably people that did so much better than me. But you're right. I actually think I have a chance of getting in." I said, smiling.

At that moment, my mom enveloped me into a tight hug, once again.

I hugged back and felt so loved at that moment.

When we released eachother, we both heard footsteps and we saw Scooter and Justin heading our way.

"Abi, that was fantastic. I'm speechless!" Scooter said, grinning.

"Yah. Same for me. That was really amazing!" Justin said, grinning, too.

I lightly blushed, hoping they wouldn't see me.

"Thanks so much. That means a lot." I said.


We were heading outside toward the parking lot, where my mom's car was parked, and Justin and Scooter followed us out.

My mom decided to chirp in and say something once we've arrived to our car.

"Thank you so much again for giving her this oppurtunity. It means a lot to her and to me." She said, referring to both Scooter and Justin. "Oh, and I don't know if I introduced myself before but my name is Harriet Miller. I'm Abi's mom and Scooter's sister." My mom said, smiling and referring to Justin this time.

"Pleasure to meet you, Harriet. And, once again, your daughter is gifted. She has talent!" Justin said, smiling.

This time, I think it was very noticable that I blushed because it probably was a VERY DEEP shade of red!!

"Thanks." I said, looking down, trying to make sure he didn't see me.

As we said ourgoodbyes, Justin gave me hug and I literally almost fell down because I almost melted into his arms.

His strong, muscular arms wrapped around me!!

Wait till' I tell Jessica about this.

She is going to DIE (not literally.)

We sat into our car and waved before we did. And my mom started it up. I knew this was probably the last time I get to be around Justin but maybe not.

Well just have to wait and see...

As we passed them, they stood there waiting for us to drive off. I decided to wave one last time to both of them.

Justin waved back, smiling widely.

I felt we were long lost friends that hadn't seen in forever!


Justin's P.O.V:

That girl definitely got talent!

Anyways, we stepped back into the dance venue once they drove off and all I could say was....WOW.

I think her audition was the best!

I also never knew that Scooter had a niece or an older sister.

That girl was freaking talented!

She was gorgeous, too!

She was a great dancer, and she has an amazing personality.

Who am I kidding...... She a fucking amazing dancer!

And she's damn sexy and she's got a fucking amazing personality.

She was adorable!

"Justin, where are Usher and Nick?" Scooter asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"You know them. They're exactly like Ryan and Chaz. They probably went to go get food." I said, chuckling.

"Call them and find out for sure. Tell the to get their asses back here in 5 minutes!" Scooter yelled.

I called them and asked them, and obviously, they were getting food. They said they would be back in 5 minutes, as Scooter commanded.

"We have to get to voting. We don't have all day Justin. Let's go get your ass in here!" Scooter yelled from the dance floor. He was probably at the table.

We have 2 parts to these dance auditions. We finished with the first group of people. Abi was actually the last one for group one. When she finished, we were finished with the first group. Then we vote for 10 people that we thought were good. We have pictures of each dancer and say whether we like them or not. If everyone agreed that person went through.

Then we would start the second group.

Anyways, Usher and Nick walked back in clutching a sandwich in their hands.

Wow, they liked food a lot. Just like Ryan and Chaz.

We all gathered and sat on the table starting to vote.

All I knew was that........Abi was definitely in!


Chapter End Notes:

Chapter 6 uploaded!

Oooooooo Justin got some feelings for Abi and he sure expressed them lol.

Finally we heard Justin's p.o.v this time.


1. Do you think Justin will make a move?

2. If he does, what do u think scooter will think??

It's all a mystery, I guess.

Sorry for the late updating btw.

Oh and btw I totally forgot that the billboard awards fall on my bday! So excited!! Justin is nominated and will sing!!!!!!! Can't wait!

( btw, Abi on the side! Isn't she gorgeous!)

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