Chapter 5- The Auditions Part 3

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yayyyyyy I'm already on chapter 5! Why the hell am I so excited? I have no freaking clue! LOL!

Anyways I might say something in the end of the chappie but here's chapter 5...........


Abi's P.O.V:

I froze.

I didn't even know how to say hi. I thought it would come out wrong.

I, literally just wanted to say ....." Justin, I love you so much. You are my idol." and go and attack him. But obviously, I couldnt do that.

"Hi, I'm Justin!" he said, taking his hand out, expecting me to shake it.

"H-hi I-I'm Abigail." I said, nervously taking his hand and shaking it.

I just touched Justin Bieber!!!

I'm totally fangirling right now.

I'm so happy!

His hand was so soft.

After a moment of silence, his voice filled the air again.

" So...Abigail......are you ready for the auditions?" he asked, flashing his $1000000000000 smile!

"Um.. Ya. I'm really excited!" I said, happily. I sounded like an idiot! He probably thought I was some kind of psycho.

Hope not.

"Good. Well me and Scooter better get back to the table the auditions are going to start any minute." he said, pointing a finger behind his shoulder at the 'judging table'.

Scooter decided to say something before he left with Justin.

"Good luck, sweetheart! Oh, and when we call your name, that's when you're up!" He said, smiling.

"Ok." I just simply stated.

Scooter told my mom she had to wait in that waiting area that we passed before. When we led my mom there, Scooter also told me I'll have to wait in a certain room where the dancers are, until they call my name. When he bought me in, there were like a BILLION dancers! Some were already out on the dance floor before, practicing. But now they had to clear it so the dancers could start for the auditions.

Everyone there looked....what's the word....... Oh yah.......PROFESSIONAL! I mean, I wore a a comfortable-looking outfit. I wore a flowy crop-top. This top showed my stomach but like 2 inches of it. I didn't want to feel uncomfortable infront of the 'judges!'. Anyways to top that, I wore some skinny harem pants. (picture in external link.) I mean I dont wanna brag or anything, but I am skinny so I kinda looked good in that shirt.

Anyways while I was in that room waiting for my turn, I made small conversations with some of the dancers. I introduced myself and told a little about my life and they did the same. I actually met a lot of nice girls there. Some were my age and some were like a year or two older. Obviously, there were probably dancers in their 20's but I thought it would be kinda awkward to talk to them. Me and some of the girls ther exchanged numbers.

I met people like this girl Brianna. She had strawberry-blonde hair and hazel eyes. Her hair reached the middle of her back and she told me she had naturally straight hair so it looked really nice.

I then met another girl Sabrina and Kayley and some more. But I'm not going to go into details.

While I was still talking, I heard Scooter say my name.

Now was my time.

I was still feeeling nervous, though.

"Youll do great!" Brianna told me.

"Thanks, I hope!" I said, crossing my fingers and laughing nervously.


I made my way to the dance floor and stood on the little tape that formed and X in the middle of the floor.

"Show us what you got!" A guy, I assumed Nick Demoura, said.

They all said 'Good Luck' and shot me warm smiles.

The song I was doing my dance to was

'As Long As You Love Me'

The music started playing and they smiled looking at me then at Justin.

I thought my dance routine was pretty good and I hoped they thought so too.

The audition was 90 seconds and I think there was about 15 seconds left for my routine

When I finished up, I stood there panting silently to myself. I had some drops of sweat on my forehead but it wasn't noticable.

All of them started to clap, lightly.

All I did was smile, looking shyly at the ground.

"That was good. I liked it" Nick said.

"I loved it!" Usher said, which made me smile.

"That was amazing" Justin said, shooting me a grin.

"Great job, kiddo" Scooter said, smiling.

Now it was my turn to say something.

"Thank you guys so much. That means a lot hearing that from all of you!" I said, waking slowly toward the exit where my mom was probably waiting.

One thought kept buzzing around in the back of my head.

'They might pick me!'


Chapter End Notes:

So whatcha guys think?

She did well with her routine by the way the 'judges' described it!

I have some questions for you guys. Answer them in the comments:

1. Do you think she'll become one of his backup dancers?

2. Do you think her life will change after that?

That's all for today!

Btw a pic of Justin and nick at the judging table watching the auditions.

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