Chapter 4- The Auditions Part 2

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Abi's P.O.V:

At that moment, Scooter turned around to face me.

"Abi, is that really you?" He asked. "The last time I saw you, you were in diapers. You're so grown up now! Look at you, you're auditioning to be a backup dancer for the biggest superstar on the planet!" He said.

I could see that he was surprised to see me because the last time he actually saw me, was when I was just a baby. And now, here I am, almost turning 18, in front of the person who found Justin Bieber. My uncle. It feels so cool to say that. LOL!

I saw that I started to zone out and I decided to answer him back.

"Well, it's all because of you. I mean, basically Justin is here because of you, too!" I said, smirking.

I walked over to him and gave him a hug. He hugged back.

"Anyways, I told your mother that you're going to have to pick any song and do a choreography to that song. You also have 90 seconds for the audition. Have you practiced? Are you ready?" He asked.

I nodded my head in response.

"Yup. For 2 weeks. I started the day my mom told me about the auditions." I said. "By the way, I also want to thank you for getting me this audition. It means a lot to me. I also can't wait to meet Justin, himself!" I said, feeling a rush of excitement pass through me.

"No problem. Oh, and speaking if meeting Justin, let me go introduce you to him!" he said, with a wide grin on his face.

I can't even begin to describe how excited I am!

'This is going to be the best fucking thing that's ever happened to me!!!' I thought to myself!

I was just so freaking happy and excited!!!!Yayyyyyyyyyyy!

We got into the dance venue and passed through an area where people sat and waited. I think this is where the parents and relatives and guardians of the dancers waited. There was also a huge flat screen T.V that hanged on the wall. Scooter told me that's how the parents got to see the auditions.

When we passed the waiting area, we entered a long hallway. When we reached the end, there was a white door that stood in front of us. Scooter opened it and there was a huge room with a lot of dancers. When I say a lot, I mean ALOT. Then, I spotted a long table with 4 chairs. One said 'Usher'. Another said 'Scooter'. The third one said 'Nick'. And, finally, the last chair said 'Justin'. Btw, if you guys don't know, Nick Demoura is Justin's chorographer.

I, then, followed Scooter as he was walking towards that table where Usher, Nick, and Justin were sitting at. I literally had goosebumps all over my body. That's how excited I was.

My mom followed behind me.

As Scooter approached them, Justin got up and did a little manly handshake with Scooter.

Boys and men these days......

I stood about 2-3 feet behind Scooter. His back was turned to me and I saw him say something to Justin. It sounded more like a whisper. Though, I couldn't quite make out the words they were saying.

Then, when Scooter finished, I saw him and Justin heading my way.

Oh My Gosh. I'm So NERVOUS!

"Justin, this is my niece, Abigail. Abigail, this is Justin." He spoke.

I was completely shocked and didn't know what to say back because I was so nervous..........

Chapter End Notes:

Yay! Four chapter done and over with! Lol

Anyways, I got some exciting news!

Next week, I'm off school for the whole week except Monday. Then we have a mini vacayyy! Yayayay! Oo that rhymed!

Anyways, so I might be uploading 3 times a week next week. Not sure, though. Not promising anything.

And then, the Sunday after, the 19th if may, is my birthday. So excited. Then the Monday after, there is going to be a school trip to washington but I'm not going. Lol. My whole class is going except like 4 people.

Enough about my life....

What did u guys think?

How do you think she'll respond?

So many questions....


( picture of scooter on the side!)

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