Chapter 12- Bonding Time And Telling Jess!

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Justin's P.O.V:

Anyways, I was making my way towards the kitchen when I saw Ryan and Chaz sitting at the kitchen table, watching ice hockey, and eating pizza.

"Listen, you better leave food for the others, you lazy asses. All you guys do is eat. If you guys eat the whole kitchen, I will slit both your throats!" I said, pointing a threatening finger at both of them.

"Calm down, bro. We haven't ate all morning. We're starving!" Chaz said.

"Whatever." I said, walking to the extra seat at the table.

"Wassup, bro. You've been acting strange this whole plane ride!" Ryan said, patting my back.

"I got a little problem. I think I might be........well I think......ok I'll just say it. I think I have a crush on Abi!" I said, regretting saying this words.

I knew they would probably make fun of me.

"Dude, your crushing on Scooter's niece. You know that, right?" Chaz said.

"Well yeah. I think I was fucking aware of that, Chaz! I snapped at him, smacking the back of his head.

Ryan just chuckled.

"I can't get rid of these feelings. They come by themselves!" I said.

"I knew you liked her. I saw you practically drooling over her while she was talking to her friends!" Ryan said, laughing alongside with Chaz.

"You know what? Forget this shit!" I said, getting out of my chair and making my way out of the kitchen.

I saw Abi on her phone and approached her.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey. Oh by the way, I wanted to tell you that my best friend really loves you and she asked if she can come on tour with us. I asked Scooter and he said yes. I have my graduation next week so I'll be flying back home for the weekend and bring her back when I come back. Sound good?" Abi asked.

"Sound awesome!" I said, smiling.

Abi's P.O.V:

I just needed to tell Jess the news.

But I didn't just want to tell her.

I wanted to break the news in an exciting way.

I had a plan and I hoped Justin would participate.


The phone was ringing and I was waiting for Jess to pick up.

I was currently sitting on the couch, with Justin next to me, waiting for Jess to pick up so I could tell her the news.

Btw, Justin participated.

I put the phone on speaker so Justin can hear the conversation. We both leaned our heads to the phone, waiting for Jess to pick up.

Finally, after 4 rings, she picked up.

"What's up, BIATCH!" she said, which made Justin gasp but laugh.

I mouthed and 'I'm sorry, she can be crazy!' look so he would understand.

"Hey Jess, um remember you asked about me asking Scooter if you can come to L.A for the dance rehearsal?" I asked her.

"Mhm." She said, and I can probably sense her nodding her head.

"Well he kinda said.........he said YES!" I said, shouting the last past part, making Justin chuckle lightly.

"Oh my gosh! Abi are you fucking pranking me because if you are then this is some shitty twisted joke!" she said, shouting so hard, especially since it was on speaker that I had to move the phone away.

"So I get to meet-" she said, but Justin grabbed the phone and cut her off.

This was kinda the plan.

I knew Jess, at some point, would ask if she would meet Justin.

"Me?" Justin said, grinning.

"Wait are you...... Oh my lord. AHHHH your Justin Bieber! I love you so much and I-I can't believe I'm talking to you this is- oh my lord - this is the best day of my entire fucking life!!!" she shouted, making me and Justin laugh nonstop.

"Well I can't wait to meet you, too. I'm really looking forward to it!" Justin said, politely but really wanted to laugh.

I took the phone back and told her that I'll call her later and talk with her.

I thanked Justin and he just laughed alittle more, saying that she was really funny.

I told him I was really exhausted and wanted to take a little nap before we land!

I just wanted to sleep and think about the future!


Chapter End Notes:

Chapter 12!!!

Whatcha guys think!

Regular updating schedule is back on!

See ya later lovelies

(gif of Justin laughing about the phone convo with Jess)

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