Chapter 2- OMG!

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I just stared at my mom for a moment before answering her.

"Well....... Yeah. His name is Scooter Braun. Why?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"There is something I haven't told you for a very long time and I don't remember why. Try not to freak out, though." She said.

I was getting kind of excited and nervous at the same time.

"Depends on what it is. I can't just tell u I'm not gonna freak out." I said.

"Well........." She began. " He's your uncle. And I'm his older sister." My mom said, closing her ears, thinking that I was going to scream.

I froze.


I didn't know what to do at that moment. I thought if I would respond in any way, shape, or form, I would pass out.

I felt excitement rush through me. I can't even begin to explain how wierd this all is.

" WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTT?!????!" I yelled. My mom did the right thing closing her ears.

"Yeah. And Justin is going to have auditions to find new backup dancers for his tour. I think its called Believe. Anyways, since you love dancing and you love Justin, I thought you could give it a try. You have nothing to lose." she said, calmly. " oh and I forgot to mention

something. Scooter will introduce you to him." She said, with a huge smile on her face.

She knew I was going to freak out like a maniac.

For some reason I had the urge to ask this question, but I couldn't. I thought it migh be true but I didn't want it to be true. But I'm gonna ask, anyways.

"Is all this just one, big prank?" I asked, starting to have a feeling that it was.

"No. I'm serious! This is true!" Mom said, happily.

By hearing those six words, I was now convinced that this was real life and every single bit of it was true. I loved the sound of that!

"AHhHHHHH!!!??!!!" I decided to shout and shriek at the same time. I can't believe that that this is actually happening!!!

"This is sooooooooo cooooooollllll!!!! I get to meet Justin Bieber and maybe get to be one of his backup dancers! This is going to be the best things that ever happened in my whole entire life!!!" I said, jumping up and down, happily.

Suddenly, my smile faded. It was replaced by a frown.

"But wait. There are going to be thousands of people auditioning. They're probably professionals. I'm just a simple girl, living in Pheonix, Arizona that is not a professional dancer!" I said, sadly.

" You are professional. You started dancing since you were 2 years old, literally. You were

just a natural star. You are amazing. Have you seen yourself? You are going to get in and you are gonna become on of his backup dancers. Trust me. I guarantee it will happen." Mom said, making me build up my confidence again.

"I guess so." I said, shrugging.

I'll just have to wait and see what the result will be...........

Chapter End Notes:

So.... How did u guys like it?

I know I didn't upload on Monday. I was really really busy.

Anyways....I hope u liked it and sorry if it was really short and didn't get to the point.

And also sorry if I have any mistakes in my punctuation and grammar and all that crap... LOL!

Please comment and vote.,

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