Chapter 22- Birthday Planning!

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This is going to be a cute chapter!



Abi's P.O.V:

The rest of the days consisted of the usual.

Dance rehearsals.

Jess got to watch me everyday and it was cool to see your best friend watching you be good at something.

We support each other every step of the way.


The weeks almost over and I'm really excited!

This Sunday will officially be my 18th birthday!

I am finally free!

And I'm celebrating it here in L.A, with Jess and everyone else.

This is probably going to be the best birthday in my entire life!!

And this year my birthday is falling on a Sunday!

I actually don't know what I'm going to do.

Should I plan a party? Should we all just go to the beach?

Simple answer:

I just don't know

Today was Thursday and Jess would be leaving Monday.

Me and the girls were currently in our room, getting ready to go shopping.

It's actually been a while.

We've been busy with rehearsing and other stuff to actually go and have a good time.

We were finally all dressed and we ready to go.

Justin said he would be happy to drive us there because he had nothing to do.

Kinda odd because you would expect a teen heartthrob to have a very busy schedule.

We went down to the parking lot and saw Justin waiting there in his black Range Rover.

We all sat in and he just drove us to the local mall in L.A.

We had a fun time shopping.

Just a girls day out.

We bought shoes, jewelry, clothing, and anything a girl could possibly want.

We're talking about L.A, honey.

You'd obviously wanna buy the whole mall.

When we were done, Justin came and picked us up and drove us back to the hotel.

We were unpacking all the stuff that we bought when we came up to our room.

We decided to just chill the rest of the day and watch movies and eat popcorn until rehearsals.

Justin's P.O.V:

Abi probably thinks I either don't know or forgot.

Of course I won't forget.

It's her birthday in 3 days and I'm gonna make it special.

Scooter told me a little while back that it was going to be Abi's birthday on June 26th.

I'm going to make it special and make sure that she loves it.

I was thinking about making it in this cool club but then thought Scooter would say no to that.

Then I was thinking about making it at the beach and surely, she would wear her bikini so that would be interesting.

I know, I know, I can act like a pervert but I'm a guy.

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