Chapter 9- Ice Cream And Big News!

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Abi's P.O.V:

I woke up to the sound of the birds chirping.

Wow, they can be annoying sometimes.

I looked at the time and it was 9:40.

I got up, did my usual routine, changed out of my pajamas, and went downstairs.

I was in the middle of pouring the milk into my cereal, when the phone started ringing.

I heard the sound of footsteps, quickly rushing down the hallway to get the phone.

I went to the table and turned on the T.V

I was eating my cereal and scrolling through channels when I settled on a show.

I have some addiction with the show, Cake Boss.

No. Idea. Why.

Anyways, I was listening to my mom on the phone at the same time. She sounded really happy and excited about something.

"Okay. So do you want to tell her?" My mom said, speaking to the person on the other line.

I, then, heard my mom rushing to the table, where I was, and told me that someone wanted to tell me something. I asked her who it was but she wouldn't tell me.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey, Abi." I heard a familiar voice say.

Oh, shit. I totally forgot about the auditions. We were getting the results back today. I dropped my spoon into the bowl and concentrated on the phone conversation.

"So, listen. About the auditions." he said, sounding kind of sad. " I just wanted to tell you that............

Here it goes.

"You got in!!!" He said, happily.

"Oh My Gosh, Scooter. I actually thought I didn't. You sounded so sad!" I said, grinning.

He laughed over the phone and continued speaking.

" Well, anyways, I gotta go make other phone calls and tell them that they got in or if they didn't. Just wanted to tel, you the good news and congradulate you! Oh, and can you give the phone to your mom for a second? I need to tell her something." he said.

"Yah, sure."

I walked toward the couch, where my mom was curtaintly at, and handed her the phone.

I just heard my mom say 'okay' and 'mhmm' and 'I'll tell her' before she hung up.

"What'd he say?" I asked, all excited.

"The tour doesn't start until the end of September. But for the next couple of months before the tour, he said that you need to practice the choreography and he said there is a lot to remember. Next week, at like ten o'clock, we have to meet Scooter at the airport, along with the other dancers and Justin, so you guys can go to the studio to practice."

Mom said.

"Oh. How long will I be gone for?" I asked, starting to feel nervous.

Sometimes I can get really homesick even though I'm older now.

"A long time. But if you ever need anything, you know you can always ask Scooter. If you wanna come home for a quick visit, ask him if he can buy you a plane ticket to come home. Don't stress yourself, it's going to work out fine." she said, standing up and giving me a hug.

Oh and I also forgot.

That's when my dad gets home.

But I'll be away by then.

Why did such exciting things have to fall on on the wrong days?

Mom said that I'll have to come back the following week to work on the work I missed in school, and get prepared for graduation.

So, I will get to see my dad, after all.

Now, all the exciting things fell at the right time!


Jess's P.O.V:

I woke up in the morning, and for some reason, I had this wierd craving for ice cream.

I woke up, brushed my teeth, took a shower, straightened my hair, and put my make up on.

I put on some skinny jeans, and a cute blue flowy tank top, black sandals, and my shades on.

I told my mom I was going to the ice cream shop, and will be back in about, 20 minutes.

It was going to be a hot day today.

I was correct.

As soon as I walked out, the bright sun hit my shades.

Good thing I was wearing them.

I made my way to my car and sat in.

I turned on the engine and backed out of my driveway.

7 minutes later, I arrived at Sweet Republic, one of my favorit ice cream shops, and turned off the engine, once I stepped out of my car, I saw boys whistling at me and staring.


I hate when people just stare at the back at you.

I feel very uncomfortable.

I walked in and stepped on the line. Once it was my turn, I took 1 scoop of strawberry ice cream, on a cone.

I payed and was about to leave when my phone vibrated, indicating that I had a new message. I had an ice cream in one hand and my phone in the other.

I saw who it was from and instantly smiled.

It was my crazy best friend texting me.

It's kinda crazy because she usually sleeps in till' noon.

And it was 10:56 now.

Anyways, I decided to sit in my car then read the text message.

From: Abi :)))

Come to my house. ASAP!!

I told her I was on my way. I called my mom and told her I would be at Abi's for a little while.

I was driving so fast that I didn't even realize I was at her house in like, 4 minutes.


Abi's P.O.V:

My mom went out, grocery shopping while I was pacing back and forth in my room waiting for Jess.

I heard the doorbell a few minutes later and rushed downstairs.

"Hey-" before she could continue, I cut her off, pulling her towards the couch.

She sat down and licked her ice cream, innocently.

"What's up?" she asked, all concerned.

"Guess who just called me like, 20 minutes ago?" I said, smiling so widely that my mouth started to hurt.

"Who? Wait..... Was it Scooter?" she said, all excited.

"Ummmm.... Fuck yes! He told me I got in!" I said, hopping off of the couch and jumping up and down.

"Oh My Gosh. You're going to be touring with Justin Bieber!" she yelled, and hugged me so tightly.

The rest of the time, we were just smiling so widely and we were so happy that we felt that our faces were gonna fall off.

I just don't get why she was so excited! LOL!


Yayayayayayayyyyy Abi got in!

You guys probably saw that coming!

Anyways,i decided to do a little birthday update so u all are welcome! Lol

Not sure if I'll be updating tomorrow btw.

( a pic of Jess at the ice cream shop, smiling at her phone cuz she saw Abi texted her)

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