Three Simple Words.

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Jess sat on the couch for hours on end, the clock ticking and slowly making it's way to noon. Her stomach rumbled slightly. She got up from the couch and went over to the kitchen. She looked in the cupboards, and there was barely anything. Just a family size bag of chips and some ramen. She sighed then went to the fridge, where there was not much in there either. Finally she opened the freezer, where all that was revealed was a half-eaten pint of ice cream and a fruit bar. Jess sighed, she had to actually go to the store. It wasn't that far of a walk, she just didn't like to leave the house. She looked down to see she was still in her pajamas. Jess quickly went into her room and changed, brushed her hair and brushed her teeth. She takes showers at night, but with how much it was raining she might get one once she steps outside. Jess grabbed her purse, wallet, and house keys. She closed the door to her house and started walking. Pulling out her small umbrella from her purse, she opened it and protected herself from the rain. Cars drove by and their lights surely woke her up. She was only five blocks or so away from the supermarket. Once she got there she grabbed a cart. Jess pulled out her phone to see her grocery list. She had three types: One for when she was picking up less than 5 things, one for less than 10, and one where she was completely out of everything.

"Alrighty. Let's see here..." she spoke to herself. Jess walked through the aisles of the store, looking for what she needed. She was halfway through her shopping and her cart contained nutella, a french baguette, some chicken, three oven pizzas, spinach, diet coke, cereal, milk, chocolate milk, ketchup, BBQ sauce, spaghetti, marinara sauce, and three apples. She continued to shop in the fruit section until she bumped into someone on accident.

"Sorry..." she said to the person she bumped into. She rubbed her arm.

"It's not a big deal." they said. The voice was.. familiar. "Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah." Jess replied, putting a pineapple in her cart. "I hate to be weird, but you sound familiar.." she said, starting to turn towards the man. "You sound almost like a person Iiii-" Once she was facing him, her face turned from a cream to a strawberry pink.

"A person you.. what?" he asked again.

"Ma-ark..?" she asked, her voice a bit shaky.

"Yes?" he asked. Jess looked down at her feet and then back at her cart. "Hello?" he tried waving in her face to make sure she was alright.

"Sorry, I just never thought I would meet you, let alone like this." Jess admitted. She grabbed at her pockets, feeling the small note still in there. She sighed softly to herself.

"Like I said, it's fine." he glanced over to her cart. "Are you shopping alone?" Jess looked up at him.

"Yeah, why?" she asked.

"Is that all for you?" he added.

"Yes...? Where is this going?" she was confused.

"That's a lot of stuff to carry. You can't drive now, can you?" he asked, offering her a ride back to her place. Any fangirl would automatically jump at the offer, and Jess wanted to so badly.

"I can't, but I live close to here." she replied with a smile. "Don't worry about me, I'm alright." She turned quickly back to her cart, not noticing a small note from her pocket falling. Jess started walking away from Mark, but turned back slightly. "I hope we see each other again." she said, then walked away. Mark looked down at the note that fell.

"You dropped..." he tried to catch her, but she was already too far. He opened the note. It had what she would say to him if she ever met him. He smiled warmly at the words written down on the paper. The three simple words.

Jess was waiting in line, checking out her items and paying for them with her debit card. Little did she know, Mark was the person in line behind her. He tapped her shoulder. "You dropped this." he handed her the piece of paper. Her eyes widened.

"O-oh. Thanks.." she replied, her face a dark red. She was soon finished paying and quickly picked up her ten bags, five in each hand. She had quite a bit of trouble carrying them, but managed to get out of the store. Mark saw her taking a break and sighed.

"You need help, just come with me." he said, picking up four of her bags, along with the two of his own. She picked up the other six and put them in the back seats of his car. "Why didn't you just accept my offer?" he asked her. Jess put her seatbelt on.

"Please, just get me home." she asked. She didn't want to be in there. She didn't want any of this. Mark started driving, following Jess' directions. They soon approached her house and Jess picked up six bags, opening the door to her house. Mark followed with the other four. They set the bags on the counter.

"Funny thing, I live in the apartment complex about three blocks from you." he said with a small chuckle. Jess laughed nervously.

"Yeah.. funny.." she said. "I appreciate everything, now I hate to be rude, but please get out of my house." Mark laughed and walked up to Jess, kissing her forehead before leaving. He purposely dropped a small note as he left. Jess was now red faced, and picked up the note.

It read: Ur a Q T.

Jess sat on the couch and just stared at the note. She was filled with elation and excitement. The door shut. She looked at the door in awe. That DID NOT JUST HAPPEN.

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