New Love and Old Love

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(AN: use the song~~)

The sun rose on the new morning, Jess' hair messed up and the clothes from the day before still on her. She wasn't in her room, but it wasn't anyone familiar's either at first look. An arm was around her and she followed it to see a shirtless Mark. She had forgotten for a second what she was doing there but soon remembered and layed back down. He was fast asleep and she kissed his cheek. "Honey~ It's morning~" she said in a soft tone. Mark was still out of it, but smiled softly at her voice. She took that as a sign she should get up and leave before anyone knew. "I'll see you later, I'll text you probably~" Jess got up and grabbed her phone, which little did she know; was blowing up a few hours ago, and died because of all the notifications. Jess opened his hotel room door but made sure to close it quickly before anyone else saw her. She walked down the hallway towards the elevator, in which she ran into Arin and Danny. She smiled nervously, but they both seemed to not know anything.

"Hey Jess!" Arin spoke. Danny was still smiling.

"H-hey guys!" she seemed to be worried of what they were going to say next, or ask.

"So, floor 6, huh? Isn't your room on the 3rd floor?" Danny asked.

"W-well, yeah.." Jess gulped. "I just w-watched friends with one of my friends, that's all..."

Arin had an idea. "Can I please see your phone? Mine died." he said.

"Can't you use Danny's?" she pointed out. Danny, however, tried unlocking it and showed his was actually dead.

"Oh, then.. sure." Jess tried turning her phone on, but the battery picture came up that signaled her that her phone died. "The fuck..? I swear it was at 80% last night.."

Arin cocked one of his brows up, thinking. "What did you need your phone for?"

"Texting, Social Media, etc." she pointed out.

The entire time the both of them talked, Danny gave a suspicious look towards Jess. He seemed jealous of how... happy she was without him in her life.

"I have a girlfriend!" Danny said out of nowhere, hoping she would be jealous.

'Good for you Danny, good for you.." Jess said awkwardly, as the doors opened at the 3rd floor and she walked out.

"You have a girlfriend, dude? Why didn't you tell me?!" Arin could be heard asking as the doors shut again.

Jess walked down her floor's hallway, shuffling through her purse to look for her room key. She bumped into a wall, and looked like an idiot doing so. A few people recognized her, but sometimes the stuff they whispered, she hoped they didn't actually say. Like, 'Man, lucky she's dating Markiplier..' and 'I wish I was dating him..' How did everyone know already? She opened her door and threw her purse on her bed and quickly plugged in her phone. She needed to check her phone so badly. Jess looked at a camera she had with her, and sighed. If she had 25,000 subscribers, she might as well start recording stuff.

She grabbed the camera and balanced it on some books around her room. She turned it on and smiled.

"What's up everybody? My name is JessEqualsStuff, and this is my first ever.. actual video on my channel!" she said with enthusiasm. "Now, I know a lot of you have seen me around a lot better, and more popular channels like JackSepticEye, Markiplier, Pewdiepie, and CinnamonToastKen.." Jess looked at the ground for a bit, then back at the camera. "But, I'm not like them. I'm new at this, and the fact that so many of you are probably watching right now is, a bit scary... And, I know I'll be shy at first, and I won't be as good, but.. I'm trying my best. I mean, hell, I'm using a camera that I found in my bag that is balanced on a few books I found in the hotel room!" She laughed nervously. "And there's one thing I want to lay down before I make, or if you're watching from the future.. before you watch any more videos." Jess cleared her throat, looking at the camera seriously, and her tone switched. "I do not want people to think I am just a messenger to anyone in the YouTube community that I mentioned earlier. It has happened to other channels that blew up, and I do not want to be the person everyone runs to, to get in contact with another bigger Youtuber." She took a breath. "I don't want anyone to be scared to talk to me, either. I promise that if you have an emergency message for ME, I will reply as soon as I can. I care about all of you." Jess' eyes started to tear up, and she wiped her eyes. "This is a channel that is going to be.. amazing. You guys, are all amazing..." She looked to the side, and saw her phone was done charging. She looked back at the camera. "And I know what my next video is going to be! But, you'll have to wait and see... Just remember, You are Awesome and Amazing, and don't let anyone stop you from being you." Jess turned off the camera, and then sighed. That last line was fucking LAME. Jess knew she could do better than that. She plugged the camera into her laptop anyway and watched the video go into her computer so she could edit.

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