Angry Texts and Confusing Messages

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            Dan angrily looked at his phone, sighing and soon putting it down. Arin put a hand on his shoulder. "Dan, it's okay. Ross won't get her if we have anything to say about it," he spat. Danny let a soft smile creep up on his face, looking down gently with his head as he moved it up slowly as a soft nod. Suzy looked at Arin with a caring demeanor. She could tell he was falling for Jess, too. Arin responded with a look of shame, his eyebrows tilting upwards to show his sorrow. He couldn't help it.

Jess picked up her phone and started texting in the group chat.

J: You know I can read the messages, right?

D: Oh shit, we kind of forgot you were in the group.

R: I didn't ;)

J: Ross, when do you want that date again?

R: Oh, right! I'll text you that privately, okay?

J: Why privately?

D: yeeeeeah Ross, why privately?

R: I dunno, maybe bcuz someone might sabotage us?

D: ......sadist.

R: I know ;D

J: You both are just fucking adorable. ;3

With that, Dan and Ross both put down their phones in satisfaction. Jess looked at the Sans doll, that she gently held in her hands. She had played the game Undertale before, but couldn't hide the tears from her eyes. Jess hugged the doll tightly, kind of like the fictional character was right there in front of her. She was sobbing into it. "I..." she gasped for some sort of air. Mark immediately turned to Jess.

"Are you alright?!" he yelped, concerned in the greatest degree. Jess looked up, her eyes red and entire face flushed. She nodded. Jack looked at the doll, knowing now why she was crying.

"It's okay Mark... It was a... rough game on her, especially with the-" he leaned in towards his ear. "Emotional aspects."

"Oh?" Mark perked up, curiosity flowing through him.

"You can choose to b-be a pacifist, neutral, or..." Jess' eyes teared up as she neared the worst run she ever did. "A... dirty b-brother killer...." She sobbed into the doll again.

"Basically, you can go without killing anyone, killing who you please, or killing absolutely everyone; even the ones you would like to befriend." Jack explained in further detail.

Jess picked up her phone to text Dan.

J: Why the hell did you give me a Sans doll?

D: Because you remind me of him in a lot of ways.

J: Do you know what he does to me?! Do you know what I just went through?!


Jess went in and called Dan. He answered immediately, hearing Jess' cries being held back in order to talk to him. "This doll reminds me.. I was a d-dirty brother killer!" Jess raised her voice into the phone, sounding upset. "I love the doll to bits, don't g-get me wrong..." She paused, sniffling. "But it still stares back at me and fills me with guilt.."

Dan was silent on the other line for about a minute, until he finally spoke up. "I... I didn't know, Jess... I'm very sorry.." Sincerity filled his voice, holding back tears from hurting her. She had to get back to her hotel room, it was getting late.

-- Time skip --

Jess yawned slightly, standing in the elevator and waiting to get to her floor.

10.. 11.. 12..

She soon saw the two red numbers stop at the 14th floor, smiling as she stumbled out of the elevator. The hallway was quiet and peaceful. She looked down towards the lobby, being very high up. A sudden chill snuck up her spine, as a hand gently grazed her shoulder. She turned around, seeing Mark.

"Mark!" Jess jumped. She was startled, her hand shaking lightly. "Y-you scared me."

Mark smiled softly at her, taking his hand off her shoulder. Jess closed her eyes for a brief moment, and he disappeared from her vision. "W...what?" she asked under her breath. Jess hoped to god that wasn't a dream, and looked down at her hands. They were slowly moving. She was obviously shaking, so that didn't help. She clumsily took out her phone, seeing as when she held down the button or even tried to turn it on, it wouldn't. The screen didn't work at all. Jess tried to find a mirror, somewhere. She saw one, down the hall. Everything looked normal, except her face. It was distorted, liquefied, like someone photoshopped it and messed it up very badly. This was a dream. Jess hopped up from her hotel room bed and looked over to the clock.


"Greeat..." she groaned in complaint.

She immediately went to her phone, seeing is everything was still there. She sighed in relief, it was. [short a/n: I could reaaaallllyyyy put something in here, but I won't ;P ] Everything from Danny's call to the feud between him and Ross was there. At least this wasn't fake.



So, new chapter! Yay! I'm actually writing this thing. Oh my god.

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