Prizes and Obstacles

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The sun rose on a new day in her hotel room. Day 3 of 7 for VidCon. Disney Day would be right around the corner in no time, and so far she has made fantastic memories on her journey. Immediately she checked her phone to look at her notifications.

R: Heyyo! When you get this, you should meet a certain jew-fro haired fellow in the front.

Of course, he explained it to him and wanted to hear her side to see if it was true.... right? Jess immediately knew she couldn't go out in her pajamas, so she took a quick shower and put on her Game Grumps shirt. Since she couldn't find any shorts in her suitcase at the time, she put on a pair of galaxy leggings. Her phone vibrated as she was halfway done getting dressed. She was getting a call from a number that wasn't in her contacts. Jess picked it up anyway and answered it.

"Hello?~" she asked, keeping the phone snug between her ear and shoulder as she pulled up the leggings to fit her.

"Oh, this IS the right number!" a boy said. Jess couldn't make out the voice correctly at first.

"Wait, how did you get this number..?" she uttered to herself. "More on questions, who are you..?"

"Oh! I'm sorry Jess. This is Nick. I got your number from Eva, if you don't mind." he said. Jess' heart warmed and fluttered at the thought he wanted his number just to talk to her.

"Why did you need my number?" she asked. On the line she sounded like she was unprepared to hear his voice, but if you saw her face she would have the widest and silliest grin of all time on her face.

"No reason..." Nick quickly replied. "Hey, I gotta go. I'll see you in about... 4 days, okay?" 

"Alright." Jess said. "I lo-..."

The phone hung up as she finished her sentence. "...-ve you..."

The more she thought about it, the more that she got flustered and mad that he had to go. She re-thought what she said and instantly covered her mouth. What if he heard her? What if he knew how she felt? Her phone rang again, it was from Nick.

"H-he-" she couldn't even finish her welcoming until he just came out and said it.

"I love you~" he said, and immediately hung up.

Jess immediately screamed in her hotel room and threw her phone on the bed. She started jumping around and running around the room like someone won the super bowl. She was very happy. But then, she started having doubts. What if he didn't mean it? What if he just said it just to say it? Was it platonic or not? There were so many questions in her head that she couldn't keep them down to one.

Her phone vibrated once more.

D: Hey, did you get Ross' text...?

Oh yeah. She was supposed to meet up with Danny... Jess sprinted down to the elevator and got to the front. Once she was standing in front of the fluffy haired fellow, she was panting for air.

"S-orry... Spr-inted here...." she said. Dan smirked softly.

"I heard your scream." he said. "I also saw a guy that hung up right before you screamed."

Jess' eyes widened. "W-wait... What did he say...?" she was gaining bits of breath back.

"He quickly said 'I love you' and then hung up."

She couldn't believe the words spoken from his mouth.

"Pretty cute dude, might be about your age.." Dan added.

"Nick.." she muttered under her breath. Dan raided his hand slightly and put it under her chin.

"I thought relationships weren't your thing..." he stated. It was true to a certain extent.

"Relationships with people about twice my age aren't my thing. I was glad Ross agreed on it." Jess explained in further detail. There was sass in Danny's eyes right before she said that, and right when she was finished his eyes reflected fake emotions.

"I see..." he said. In reality, his heart sank. What would he tell Arin?

"Where did you meet this dude?" Dan asked.

"School. I met him Freshman year." Jess stated. "We were in about four classes together everyday, and at first I was a bit shy to talk to him... But, we were put into an English group together and has been sending me mixed signs ever since." her eyes seemed to wander around, like they were looking at flashbacks of some kind. Dan sighed and faked this emotion pretty well.

"When I saw him say that..." he sighed. "He didn't mean it." Dan just told a boldfaced lie. "He probably knew that you had a crush on him from the start, and wanted to see your reaction and let you on even more." Another lie. What he was spitting was lies.

"....W-what...?" her eyes welled up with tears. She clenched her fists. "T-there's no way..."

"Give me your phone, let me see how he talks to you." he stated. Jess handed her phone over to him.

Dan clicked the recent calls button and clicked Nick's number. Immediately he picked up. 

"L-look.. I.. I bet you want an explanation..." Nick sounded nervous, like it took a lot of courage to say it.

"Save it, bud. Jess won't be yours if I had anything to do about it." he said just so Nick could hear it. "Screw your plans with the Disney Day Anniversary, she doesn't like you." 

Nick's face was in despair, fear, and anger. 

"Look, you can't put words into her mouth like that." 

Dan hung up, he ran out of stuff to say. "Bullshit and lies is what he spoke." he lied again.

Jess frowned. She knew something was up, and wasn't just going to believe him. She remembered what Arin had told her a few hours ago last night.

"Dan's the type of person who will destroy any obstacle to get what he wants. If he sees it destroys the prize, he will stop, but will still try to claim it."

Jess had a feeling she was the so-called 'Prize'.

... And Nick was the 'obstacle'.


A/N: Ooooooh~ Draaaaaamaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

So, I actually got back to writing this thing. I need to change the cover.. I'll do that later <3

Look forward to new chapters~

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