New Information and Interests

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Jess was still walking and talking with Alyse, soon sitting down at a red and white couch.

"If you get stage fright, don't worry. It happens to them too, you'll get used to it." she stated. Alyse looked at her with her full attention. Arin popped up behind her, pulling her aside.

"What is it, Arin?" she asked. Arin looked to the side.

"Well, after the panel today, we've all been thinking... or, Ross, Danny and I have." he scratched the back of his neck in nervousness. Jess tilted her head. "You don't want me on any panels anymore? That's fine with me I-" Arin cut her off.

"No, the opposite actually. We were thinking you could be a part of Steam Train?" he asked. Since Barry usually switched from Steam Train and Editing, Danny being a main on Game Grumps, she would balance everything out perfectly.

"But, why me? Don't I have to be hired or something?" Jess asked, glancing back at Alyse who was waving at Jess, smiling and waiting patiently.

"Jess, we ARE hiring you." Arin emphasized.

"But I-"

"We get you didn't fill out a fucking application. We understand you DIDN'T get a FUCKING APPLICATION!" Arin paused to calm himself down before he let out the true meaning of why 'they' wanted her on Steam Train specifically.

"Why Steam Train?" she asked. Arin gulped, looking to the side again.

"Look, you cannot say a DAMN word about what I'm about to tell you, okay?" he asked, putting her on the couch she was just at. Jess nodded, listening. Alyse was curious as to what was happening.

"Ross begged for you to be on Steam Train." Arin admitted, sighing in relief as he got that off his chest. Jess had her hopes skyrocket up. "We still don't know why, though." he added. Jess was smiling a big, cheesy smile.

"Jess? Are you okay?" Alyse asked, waving her hand in front of her face.

"Y-yeah..." she nodded slowly, looking around slowly before jumping up and spinning around. "I'm an official gru-ump! I'm an official gru-ump!" she sang. Arin chuckled softly, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Well, don't forget to text us about your... 'answer'." he said, handing her another slip of paper with their numbers on it. Jess immediately pulled out her phone and saw she was in a group labeled: 'Da Grump Chatz'. She giggled and read some of the previous conversation between Dan and Ross.

D: Dude, we want her to be a regular on Grumpcade, she could be kinda like Arin always on Tableflip, but for Grumpcade! >:C

R: NO WAY! It would get boring. My show is way more fun. I promise she'll have a bunch of great times.

D: Of her raging her butt off and you laughing at her?

R: No, I'd take care of her.

D: Then what about on Valentine's day?

R: What do you mean?

D: If she's a regular throughout, you would have to cancel Love Train.

R: No, I'd modify it.

D: How in the hell would you make a show dedicated to you and Holly modified so she could be in it?

R: It's simple, my dear Avidan.

D: ...

D: Goddamnit Ross.

She was confused as to what all went on in that conversation, and more what was up Ross' sleeve. Jess joined in the conversation.

J: So I guess I would be in here no matter my choice?

Ross immediately responded.

R: Well if you'd like we could remove you ;)

J: Nonono! I said yes, so... >:P

D: Aw, look at the cute couple.

J: Ross is married, dummy.

R: .....y-yeah!

J: What's with the stuttering?

D: I think he sent a wrong text.

R: Yeah, I meant to send that to Arin.

A: The conductor has a new conductee.

R: :D

S: Can you stop blaring up my phone and just meet up already? Oh, and welcome Jess :3

J: I'm going over panel plans.

D: Lucky! With who? :D

J: Pewdie, Mark, Ken, Jack, and my friend Alyse.

A: Sweet dude, We'll be rooting you both on!

Jess locked her phone and continued talking with Alyse about panel plans, until a suspicious pink-haired Mark showed up behind her. She groaned slightly. "Stop stalking me, Mark." she joked.

Mark frowned like a puppy. "I'm just a pink puppy." he stated. Alyse giggled a bit, taking a picture with her phone.

"A-and, uploaded!" she said, showing the like counter on her instagram blowing up in an instant.

Jess kissed Mark's cheek, thinking nothing of it, it MEANING nothing, as she walked off. Mark stood there in awe, wide-eyed and blushing a light red.

Alyse chuckled lightly before getting up herself and following Jess.


a/u: So, I decided to make Jess a real fucking tease and shit, to move things along faster. Don't worry, she won't be a bitch :D









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