Two Plains of Despair

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Jess' eyes slowly opened, her iPad continuing to play one of Markiplier's videos. She looked at her ceiling, her heart starting to sink. It was all a dream, should have figured... Jess sat herself up and looked down at her device, pausing the video and locking her iPad. She was a bit sad that it was a dream, and the fact it felt so real was... unreal.. The rain continued to hit the window, yet at a greater speed than before. A rod of lightning struck what looked like about 5 miles away, but she could see it because of the hill her house sat upon. Her hair fell down in front of her left eye, as she sighed. Why did it have to be a dream? She still looked at her clothes. 'Pajamas.. really?' she thought. 'I never wear pajamas..' 

Today was NOT her day. She started her online courses in a few weeks, and she was not ready at all. Her future was ahead of her, but she wanted to just.. stop time. It was impossible, she knew. In her head, hurricanes of emotions were blowing. "Why did it have to be a stupid dream?!" she shouted, her voice echoing in the empty walls of the room. Her voice was filled with despair and disappointment. She looked out the window and a wave of depression lightly grazed her skin. She wanted to cry. Jess was a complex person, many emotions and she often went through mood swings. Her feet moved off the side of the couch, so she was sitting upright. No slippers, one blanket, and a pillow was astray on the floor. Her mind tuned out the sound of the rain, for it was becoming repetitive and soon became blank noise. She grasped her hands together and slowly pulled them apart. Every centimeter they moved away from each other, the harder it was to keep from crying. Soon, her hands lightly trembled as they were within a weak reach from each other. She knew it couldn't have been fake. She felt his grasp.

Jess knew this feeling of familiarity. She had a dream similar to this. 

It was 2 weeks ago...

------Dream POV------

"I still can't believe you guys thought I  was worth hanging out with!" Jess said, her Minnie Mouse ears still tilting to the side.

"Well, you're an awesome girl!" Matthias said, a big smile on his face. Mark rose his finger up, agreeing, mouth still full of food.

"Yeah! Plus you're really fun!" Jack chuckled, putting an arm around Jess and patting her shoulder. He moved his arm back and pointed at the ferris wheel. "Hey! Maybe we should try it out."

Jess' eyes widened. She remembered that ferris wheel, rocking around and being uncontrollable... She waited for their responses. Bob, Wade, and Mark said an immediate "YES!" in unison. Matthias shrugged and just nodded his head. She had  to go on now.. 

Mark soon threw away the wrapper to his churro and picked Jess up, starting to run towards the line. "Hurry! We might get stuck in a line!" he hollered at them, Jess both amazed at how fast he can run WHILE holding her, and frustrated that he picked her up all willy-nilly. They soon got on the ferris wheel. All of them got in one car on the wheel, them all having a blast while Jess sat there in fear. She couldn't sit there for long. Her anxiety started to kick in, as she covered her face with her hands. Wade took immediate notice and they stopped the ride, sitting her down on a bench.

"A-are you alright..?" Bob asked, looking down at her. Jess' face was a shade of red, tears slowly running down her face. She stayed silent.

"What's wrong?" Wade asked, his tone even more worried than before.

She still gave no answer.

Jack sat next to her and wrapped an arm around her again, pulling her close. "Whatever this is, it's going to be alright.." he said, trying to comfort her as much as possible. She only cried a bit harder, still staying as silent as she could. He was shocked that it didn't work.

Mark had enough of her silent act. He looked at Jack for a second or two, as his arm soon left her shoulder and he was just sitting next to her. Mark kneeled down and grabbed her wrists. Jess stopped crying for a moment, looking up into his eyes. He smiled. "There you are..." His voice was soft, comforting like a pillow. "You okay?" he asked, hoping to get an answer.

Jess opened her mouth and said in a choked up voice, "I... don't want to leave... ever.." 

Just saying that made her tear up more, Mark immediately lifting her head up and looking her in the eye. "I promise you, every one of us will stay in touch.."

"Really....?" she asked, her tears slowly stopping and a smile forming on her face.

"Yeah!" Jack and Wade said, smiling.

"Sure!" Bob added.

"You're a nice girl and fun to hang out with, so who wouldn't  want to stay in touch with you?!" Matthias said.

Then, out of the blue, they all hugged her at once. She was happy. She was so happy. Tears streamed down her face again.

But then, they shot open again, looking at the ceiling of disappointment.

------End of Dream POV------

She hated her dreams from then on, especially when they toyed with her like that. It was stupid. She was stupid for thinking that she would ever meet anyone. In the dream... they loved her.

But she let them go.

If only she could sleep forever.

There was no way she could.

But then she thought of a way, yet it was too drastic. Jess did not want to sleep for THAT long.

Just enough to feel happy again.

That feeling that she only gets when she's asleep, and not alone.

She would do anything for it, no matter what the cost.

Tears started to stream down her face, leaving a warm trail down her eyes. The cold rush of air conditioning cooled her off a bit, as she sat there, staring at her two hands and sobbing.

Sobbing like an idiot.

A big, dumb idiot for believing any dream of hers could come true.

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