I Chime In With Unwanted Questions and Surprising Answers

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Jess and Charlie stared at each other for a good thirty seconds or so in shock. Charlie was shocked because it never happened before, as was Jess, but she was shocked also because she didn't know exactly how much she's get to see him. No wonder why when she found his channel he sounded familiar. Either way, she was living next to Charlie, and she just prayed that neither of them would have to move in the future, or ever. Charlie broke the silence.

"Weird. Well, no wonder you live so close! I mean, I constantly hear laughter and you just seem like a happy person!" He said with a soft smile on his face. Jess' heart sped up and her stomach filled with butterflies, her face growing red. Charlie giggled warmly at her blush. "Getting all shy now?" he teased.

Jess stayed silent and tried to tone down her blush, but instead it grew a shade darker. She raised a hand to her cheek and it was warm. There was a weird look on Charlie's face, of confusion and distraught. He moved his hand close to her face slowly, and Jess' blush grew two more shades. He moved a piece of hair out of her face and stared in her eyes gently. His deep, chocolate brown eyes. They engulfed her heart and he practically drowned in her hazel circles. They were subconsciously moving and leaning into each other, their faces and lips almost ready to touch.

Jess removed her hand from her face, and Charlie moved his hand from the side of her face down to her shoulder.

Three knocks were sounded on the hotel door, as they both struck back from each other, getting out of their trance. Jess was still in sudden surprise shock and just got up, and opened the door. Charlie, however, just sat on the one bed that was in the room instead of moving to a chair. He pulled out his phone and checked his texts. Outside the door was Keeli and her boyfriend, Bryson.

"Oh, yeah and I bet she's friends with Pewdiepie too..." Bryson doubtedly said. Jess opened the door with a wide eyed expression of dumbfounded shock. Keeli removed her arm from the used to be intertwined position with Bryson's, and took Jess' face into her hands.

"Oh my gosh Finn are you okay?!" She exclaimed, worried. Jess blinked twice and nodded with a smile.

"Yeah, I-i'm fine." Jess answered, "Just c-catching a cold."

Bryson leaned in a bit and looked in the room, seeing Charlie and waving. Charlie waved back. Keeli looked inside as well, and Jess moved so they could come in. Keeli noticed Charlie as well and sat next to Bryson on the couch in the room. Jess sat on the chair next to the bed, and she could tell that Charlie was a bit saddened by her choice. She being a wuss when it came to hurting others' feelings, she sat on the bed next to him. He threw an arm around her and nuzzled her forehead. Keeli giggled softly as Bryson kissed Keeli's cheek.

"So, let's address the main question... Who's he?" Keeli asked. Bryson nodded in agreement with the question.

Jess was now conflicted with the response. They weren't dating, but oh bOY did they want to. If she said they were just friends, she didn't know how Charlie would react to that and she absolutely knew Bryson and Keeli would start shipping them. Jess looked to Charlie in a small panic. She needed him to answer.

"I got this.." he whispered closer to her ear so they didn't hear him. Charlie cleared his throat and glanced at Jess with a smile and a warm look. "What's up everybody, it's Cr1tikal, and today we're sitting in a hotel room with my girlfriend and her two friends who are also dating... Let's do this shit."

Jess looked at him in shock and had a wide smile on her face. Keeli was nodding softly, but had a look of analyzation. Bryson hid his hand behind the arm where Jess couldn't see, but gave Charlie an O-K sign. Charlie cocked his head up softly to acknowledge the sign and smiled.

"Now, what makes you think you're good enough for my sister from another mister... My bestie, partner in crime, my pla-" Jess gave a glare to stop Keeli because they were both sure they got the point. "I mean when she watches your videos she's laughed and had her stomach hurt and cried from laughter but I mean, come on, I can do that."

Jess giggled softly, because she's never made that happen. Unless she was in a coughing fit and she made a joke to make her laugh, it's never happened.

"Well, how can I prove it to you?" he asked. "If it's a trivia thing, I have to warn you, I make good assumptions."

"Then it's trivia. First, who am I?" She sassily asked.

"You're her best friend... Keeli." Charlie answered. Jess had mentioned her name before, and a few personality traits, but NOTHING about what she looked like. Keeli nodded.

"Two, Who has she fangirled over, and in what order starting from Summer of 2015?" Keeli asked more specifically.

"Well I only just really met her, but... I believe in order, if I had to guess... Markiplier, Ross O'Donnovan from the Game Grumps, Then I believe Danny for a brief moment, maximum of two weeks or so, back to Mark for a bit... then currently and hopefully forever; Me." He smirked. Jess was getting shocked. Even the Danny moment, holy shit.

Keeli was running out of questions. "O-okay, how about..." She was thinking... "What's her favorite band..." Keeli needed an extra add on so she didn't have to do this question thing anymore. "If you get her Favorite Album or Song from said band, you don't have to answer any more questions."

"Awh, but answering pointless questions you come up with on a whim about Jess is fun.." he fake whined. He looked at Jess' shirt. "Are you running out of questions? Because she's wearing the title of her favorite band." Her shirt was an old Panic! At The Disco shirt she bought from HotTopic, but it wasn't a specific album. "Favorite Album, probably since it's new; Death of A Bachelor, but if that one doesn't count, probably their first Album; A Fever You Can't Sweat Out."

Keeli smirked as she was about to say "Wro-" but he cut her off.

"Is what I would have said if I knew her a few months ago. I couldn't sleep without hearing her next door screaming at the top of her lungs to Time To Dance, until I stopped hearing it.. Instead of their first one, it's Too Weird, Too Rare To Die." he added.

Keeli immediately shut her mouth. She clapped.

Jess inhaled a bit. "You have analyzing skills....!" she said shocked.

He giggled. "Luckily it was all the stuff I know. I mean, I just got lucky. I don't really know anything else." Charlie shrugged. Bryson tried to get to know him better.

"Do you watch sports?" he asked.

"A bit of football here and there, what about you?" Charlie responded.

"Same, Broncos fan for life!" Bryson elatedly said, pumping his free hand up. Charlie laughed a bit.

"I really only watch the Super Bowl and root from there." he admitted. Bryson didn't look too offended, but still respected the honesty.

Three more knocks on the door arose, and Jess didn't check the peephole. When she turned the knob, it was a loud playing of Panic! At The Disco's "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" and the door swung open.

A voice was singing with the song.




Oooh boy im so sorry.


And yeah apparently Jess is dating Cr1t now.

Will they keep it a secret? Who knows?

Will Danny find out? How will Mark react?

Where is Alyse? Is she doing anything?

Did she predict something earlier?


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