Kiss One and Kiss Two Over Boys Like You

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A/N: Use the song :D


Alyse noticed Mark's distress and sighed, a sympathetic frown on her face. Mark was distraught; the girl that just kissed him was already over him?! This was unheard of, even in fanfictions! He could have seen it coming, however, since she seemed to be head over heels for him in the beginning...

"Mark, it's okay.." Alyse started. She wanted to be there for him. "Maybe.. it's just a phase.. She goes through them a lot.."

That didn't seem to help much, for he just looked down a tad. Mark started to cover his face. 

"Was I just a phase? Was I not worth her fucking time?" he spat. Mark instantly looked up, tears forming in his face.

Alyse frowned with him, and put a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay, Mark. She still loves you. Just.. as a brother.." She hated saying that, but at this point it was true.

Meanwhile, back at the panel room...


Jess walked down the long hall in her dress, which she changed into for purpose of a contest later. It was ruby red, one strap, and she wore some purple lipstick to go with it. She felt badass. It was her first lone panel; just her, nobody with her.

She sat up on stage and looked at the big screen, counting down to when the automatic doors opened.


The faster the numbers decreased, she got nervous. She pulled a small pocket mirror from her purse to add the final touches to her makeup. Then it hit her.


She left her phone in her room! Oh shit, what was she going to do?!


"Okay, think." She started talking. "You don't have enough time to go get it yourself.."


"The last person in the room was... Charlie! He would have it!"


"You just need to call him and..."


The automatic doors opened and Charlie came bursting out, floods of fans trailing behind. He seemed to lunge from the ground to the stage and handed her the phone. Jess was so thankful for this, she leaned forward and pushed her lips onto his. They were intertwined, his hands on her back, hugging her. 

Mark and Alyse looked up after they sat down and he became almost furious.

"See?! She's dangling him over me, I swear it!" he angrily whispered.

"No... he's returning her phone.." Alyse whispered in reply.

"I just don't want her to get hurt by Charlie." Mark responded.

Charlie took a seat on stage, and smiled as Jess started her panel. 

Everyone was seated, they were all looking up at her. Jess was frantically looking around for any sets of familiar eyes. She found Isabelle, Eva, Nick, Arin, Ross, Suzy, Barry, Keeli, Alyse, and...

"Fuck.." she accidentally uttered into the mic hanging from her ears. She spotted Mark, and she could tell he was upset.

Everyone looked at her full of shock.

"S-sorry! I just didn't expect to be eyed by around a thousand people at once.." she brought up. "So, to make this... less awkward.. how about a few of you come up and say something about yourself! Feel free to ask me any questions. No filter here, either!" Jess' enthusiasm was back.

A girl with red hair and somewhat similar clothes that Jess normally wears came up to the mic.

"Hi.. I'm Ashley! I was wondering who all you knew in the audience? You seemed to be looking for people earlier until you dropped the F-bomb out of nowhere.." she asked.

"Oh, um.." Jess stuttered. "Just a few friends, please.. Stand up as I say your name."

"Nick, Eva, Isabelle..."

The three stood up from different sides of the room.

"Arin, Ross, Suzy..."

The other three stood up, but in a group.

"Barry, Keeli, Alyse..."

They rose up as well, smiling.

"And..." Jess gulped, wiping her face as some tears grew in her eyes. She felt a sudden wave of regret for doing this to Mark. "A-and.." she was panicking. She had to get out of there. "I...I'm sorry.. I.. need a minute.." she walked behind the curtains and went to her dressing room, locking the door. Only Mark knew where the room was, and he went there and sighed. He wasn't a total asshole. Charlie started to get things together in the panel room.

Jess was in the room, hugging a blanket close.

"Jess? Are you in there...?" Mark asked through the door.

"No..." she lied.

"You have to get back out there.. You have a thousand people waiting for you!" he encouraged.

Jess opened the door and she was a complete mess. Mascara was running down her face, her lipstick was smudged a bit, and her face was red. "I can't..." she started to cry. Mark hated seeing her cry, and hugged her.

"Jess... I..." he didn't know what to say. An idea popped into his head. "Jess... look at me."

She buried her face into his chest more, but Mark tried to pull away. "Look at me for a minute." he said again. Jess gulped and looked up. "Now, I was in this exact place before, scared for my life, drama taking over, just a whirlwind of emotions all at once..." he sighed. "Now, I never gave up. I never quit, and look where I am now.." Jess started to look away.

Mark took a hand and held her head softly in place to look him in the eyes.

"I'm looking at a beautiful girl, who I love, cry.. She doesn't like me back but I'm still trying to help her, even if I may never get her. Every flaw she thinks she has, I love. Every imperfection she sees is perfect to me. I'm lost without her, and right now, I want to see her happy." he admitted. "She should go back out there with her boyfriend, and rule that panel."

Jess looked at Mark wide eyed. She didn't know how to take it. "I..." she was stopped by a single finger making a 'shush' signal. It was Mark's finger covering her lips. 

"Don't say anything, just get back out there... okay?" he asked.

Jess nodded and smiled.

"Oh, and.. one more thing.." he had a grin on his face, as he slowly leaned into her and kissed her softly. She kissed back until they both pulled away at the same time. Jess ran off to finish her panel, for she would thank Mark afterwards.



or maybe im leading you all on ;P

who knows? it's MY story, so i could just put a 4 word chapter.


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