Things Just Got Even Worse

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The whole rest of the week was sooo boring. I couldn't believe it, I was grounded until Friday. So I spent everyday doing pretty much the same thing. Going to school and sneaking over to the DX for about a half hour. Life was pretty boring but at least I got to see Soda. I am not trying to sound bratty or anything but Cherry never gets punished and she also has freedom to do whatever whenever. Sometimes she is even gone from Friday night to until like 3 in the morning on a Monday. I don't get it but whatever tomorrow is Friday and me and Soda are going to a drag race with Steve and Evie aka "StEvie". On Friday morning I woke up, got dressed and went to school. School was pretty much the same old thing everyday. So right after the final dismissal bell rang me and Evie walked  over to the DX to visit Soda and Steve, We sat there and talked for a while, then me and Evie left to go get ready for our double date tonight. I wore something similar to what I wore to me and Soda's last date. Then as I was walking over to the Curtis house with Evie when we saw the whole gang yelling and throwing things at a red Corvette. I ran over to see Pony lying on the sidewalk with Darry next to him. Then Soda came running behind me. Pony said he got jumped, he had a cut on his neck but other than that he was fine. We all discussed our plans for the night. Pony, Johnny and Dally were going to the Nightly Double and me, Soda, Evie and Steve were going to the drag race. So we all went our separate ways. When we got to the drag race we sat there and watched for a while until me and Evie hot hungry. So we decided to get some Pepsi-Cola and snacks. When we were walking to the snack bar this guy started to hit on me. After a while of trying to ignore him he got really annoying and I punched him in the face and tried to run but he grabbed me by the waist. Evie didn't know what to do so she just sat there and hollered when all the sudden Buck Merrill came running over and got the guy away. Me and Evie went back to Steve and Soda as fast as we could and pretended nothing happened Then the guy came over and sat next to me and started eying me. I got really scared and went and sat on Soda's lap, he immediately knew something was wrong and asked me what it was. I whispered what happened into his ear and told him not to worry or do anything unless he did something first. So Soda just gave him a death stare and the guy got the message and left. We sat and had a good time the rest of the race and then as we were walking back to the trucks a couple Socs pulled up. We eyed the car a little closer and realized that it was the same car of people that jumped Pony. They all got out of the car and before they could even say a word me, Soda and Steve started to beat those guys up pretty bad, normally we wouldn't be thst mean but we are all really pissed about what they did to Pony. So then we ran the rest of the way to the trucks and Soda drove me home, since no one was home he came in and we made out a little until he decided he had to leave. Then about an hour later I heard rocks bang against my window and saw Soda standing outside crying. I went out the window and climbed down the tree to see what was wrong. He told me he was real worried because Pony didn't come home yet he he heard rumor that a couple greasers were jumped and that someone died. He was worried that it might ne Pony, Johnny or Dally. I told him that it was ok and that with Dal there they were fine and that they were probably still at the movies hanging out with someone. Then he asked me if I would mind going over to his house and spending the night so that he had  someone to talk to him and take him mind off of things. I said ok and i ran back up to my and left my parents a note on my bed that read 

Mom and Dad,

went to the Curtis house Pony and Johnny are missing be home tomorrow morning

- Tammy

Then me and Soda left and went to his house.

Authors Note: sorry i didn't update yesterday i was very busy thanks a million for reading and i will have like three or four more chapters up this weekend byeee

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