Breaking Point

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I can't believe it Steve's abusive father is my biological father. I sat there staring at my parents with a hurt expression. "Why didn't you tell me?" I stammered.

I want to run. Just to be anywhere that wasn't here. But my feet were glued to the ground. I just couldn't move.

"Honey, we couldn't tell you because it would be too complicated, it was a lot easier when you didn't know.'' My mother stated.

''Does he know about me?''

"Yes he does." My mom seemed really done talking about this and so was I. Obviously nobody cares about me enough to tell me this.

"Yes, he knows about you. He knows you're friends with his son, but he avoids you because I told him to stay away so you didn't find out.'' Those words were like venom. My biological father wants no part of me.

Finally I was able to move my feet. I looked my mother and "Father" in the eyes and broke into a sprint. I heard the door open but I completely ignored it and continued running to my room. I reached my room and swung open the door. I flopped on my bed and started crying hysterically. A few seconds later I heard the door creek open and I felt warm strong arms wrap around me.

Sodapop's P.O.V.:

I walked into Tammy's house and saw her run upstairs. She looked upset. I ran upstairs and into her room. She was hysterically crying. I wrapped my arms around her and layed back on the bed with her in my arms she looked so fragile.

"Baby, what's wrong?" She looked up at me with tears dripping down her face. I hated to see her look like this so much.

She explained the whole story of what happened downstairs. I can't believe that Steve is her half brother.

I wiped the remaining tears of her face with my thumb. "Do you want to go downstairs?" I said. She nodded and got up from my lap.

She walked over the mirror and cleaned herself up. She looked absolutely stunning. I grabbed her hand and we walked downstairs. There were a lot of people down there. They all gave us dirty looks as we walked by

We walked over to the drink table and she poured herself a glass of flavored vodka. This definitely wasn't going to end well. Nothing ever went well when Tammy started drinking, whether she was upset or not.

Tammy's P.O.V.:

After a couple of drinks I felt so much better. I almost completely forgot why I was so upset. Soda looked at me with a worried look. He absolutely hated when I drank, or when anyone drank in that matter.

"Babe, I think that you should stop drinking.'' Was he serious. I looked at him funny and said "Nah, I'm good

''Whatever you say." He said as he raised his hands in surrender.

For the next our or so I drank and drank and drank. It really started to get to me. Then I passed out and fell back into Soda's arms


I woke up about an hour later with a pounding headache. I was in my room, in my bed. laying in Soda's arms

Soda looked at me with worried eyes and said "You can't keep drinking like this"

''I know but it's the only way to numb the pain."

"No it's not. It's the worst way possible to numb the pain.

"Sodapop, I can't do this anymore I am at my breaking point

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