"Do It For Johnny"

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I woke up the next morning and Soda wasn't laying next to me. So I got out of bed and searched the floor for yesterdays clothes, and put them on. Then I ran out into the kitchen and joined into Pony and Two Bit's hug. Then we all grabbed some chocolate cake and sat on the floor to watch Mickey Mouse. It was Friday and I should be at school right now but I don't think I should go. So I excused myself from Mickey and went to  go call my mom. I told her the story of what happened and she told me it's okay to miss school. So then as I made me way to the living room Soda swooped me up and spun me around carrying me into his room. He was still in his towel  and he asked me if I wanted to come to the DX with him, and I told him I would stop by after I go to visit Johnny and Dal. He said that sounded great and to tell them he said hi and that he had to go and couldn't wait for me to visit. He quickly slipped on his DX shirt and gave me a quick kiss goodbye and left. I walked back out into the living room and sat with Pony and Two Bit. Then after a couple of minutes me and Pony decided to clean up incase any reporters or the fuzz stopped by. After the house was nice and clean the three of us decided to go to the hospital and visit Johnny and Dal. On the way there Pony started to tell me and Two Bit that him and Soda might get put in a boys home. That thought just shattered my heart, I couldn't even bare to think about it. It didn't take that long before I broke down and fell on the sidewalk in tears. I loved Soda and Pony I couldn't bare to see them taken away from me. The person I am in love with and a person who is like a brother to me I couldn't even think that someone would want to take them away. Darry was doing a fine job taking care of them. It was all Bob's fault, Damn it he is such and ass. If it weren't for Bob being such a drunken mess we wouldn't be in this mess. Hell if he hadn't jumped Johnnycake in the first place he wouldn't have been such a nervous wreck and had to kill Bob. After about a minute I stopped my crying and got up and kicked the neared building and was on the verge of a nervous break down until Two Bit and Pony calmed me down a bit. So instead we decided to talk about the rumble, I told the two of them that I would fight and get even no matter what, I am so sick and tired of the Socs stepping all over u Greasers and doing whatever they want to. Then we arrived at the hospital. First we went and saw Johnny we didn't talk to him that long and Two Bit even went and got him a new copy of Gone With The Wind. Soon me and Pony started to get a bit worked up and then Johnny passed out cold and we were forced to leave by the nurse. Then we went over to Dally's room and we talked to him for a bit, he said that he really wanted to go to the rumble tonight and that he was going to try to get out in time. Then he asked Two Bit for his switchblade. Surprisingly Two Bit gave it to him. He loved that switch he spent two hours walking through the store trying to steal that thing and obviously he succeeded. Dally took the switchblade and stabbed it into the table saying that we had to get even and then he said "lets do it for Johnny." Then we all decided it was getting kinda late and we were getting hungry so we left and went our separate ways.

Ponyboy's P.O.V.

After we left the hospital Tammy left and went to visit Soda at the DX. It made me feel so awful to see how sad she was when I told her about me and Soda. But otherwise me and Two Bit went to a store a couple blocks down to get some Pepsi-Cola and some candy bars. Then all the sudden we saw the blue Mustang drive down the street, then Randy or Ape Face as Two Bit liked to call him walked out of the car with the rest of his entourage and walked up to us. Randy said he wanted to talk, so I followed him to his car and he started to talk about Bob and the rumble. He said that Bob was a really nice guy when you got to know him and that he probably wouldn't show at the rumble tonight. I could hear Two Bit in the distance making fun of the Socs pants, I was trying so hard to hold back a laugh and I succeeded very well. After a couple minutes Randy thanked me and I went back to Two Bit. He wanted to know what went on and I told him he was just a guy that wanted to talk a bit.

Soda's P.O.V.

I was waiting around at the DX for Tammy to come around when my boss came around. He told me that tomorrow he needed me to interview people for a job to work at the counter because he needed me to spend more time on cars. So I told him that I might have someone willing to take the position and that she spends a lot of time here and would be perfect for the job. He told me to talk to her and see how it goes and to report to him and that if she says no to post the HELP WANTED sign and interview some people tomorrow and Monday. I said that was fine but that the person could only work after school and he said its okay because that's when we need it because its the busiest after school hours. Perfect I thought now me and Tammy would be able to spend more time working together and now she doesn't have to get a job at The Dingo. Thank God because I didn't like the idea of her working there she could get hurt.

Tammy's P.O.V.

I finally got to the DX and Soda told me that I had a job to work the counter from three to seven on Mondays through Saturdays. I willingly accepted, now me and Soda could spend more time and work together. Then he went to the back room to call his boss and tell him the job is filled. He said I start Monday. This was so perfect I was Starting to feel way better. Except for my two main problems. Number one what will I do if the court rule to put Soda and Pony into a boys home, and number two how will I convince Soda that I will fight in the rumble and that it's the end of that particular discussion?

Authors Note: I hope you are all liking this so far and thanks sooo much for getting this story over 200 reads and this is also my longest chapter. I should have part 10 up tomorrow night and some positive comments would be awesome if possible. Thanks a million :)

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