Chapter 38

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Soda's P.O.V.

Minutes later Darry walked through the door and sat next to me. He put his hand on my shoulder and gave it a pat

After a few minutes he broke the silence and said "Sodapop, the doctors said that the babies can go home tomorrow."

I nodded

"Listen Pepsi you can't lie around and act all upset when things go wrong anymore. You have responsibilities now, so I suggest that you get back to that hospital and go sort things out. I'll drive ya, lets go."

I sighed , nodded and got up from the floor. We headed towards the door and were on our way.

I stepped into the hospital doors and asked the doctors if I could visit Tammy.

"Of course Mr. Curtis." the cheery middle aged nurse cooed

"Follow me." she continued. I followed her to room 221b.

As I walked in I saw Tammy. She laid there motionless as if she was sleeping, only she wasn't.

I sat down in the chair next to her bed. I noticed the nurse had left and I began talking. I heard that people in comas can still hear the sounds around them. It's worth a shot.

"Hey Tam. Everything with the babies went fine. They are healthy and can go home tomorrow. The gang is outside. We are all real worried about you. I hope you can hear me and if u can I need you to know that I love you and I need you to wake up because I don't know how I'm gonna be able to live without you. Please just wake up I need you, the gang needs you, your family needs you and now our babies need their mother.

Hours passed by of me holding her hand and hoping for her to wake up soon. Everyone else left, so I sat here praying to see her eyes flutter open, feel the movement of her hand or anything else to signify that she's awake.

I started to drift off and I felt a slight squeeze of my hand and a faint voice say "Sodapop."

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