2 People I Love In a Matter of hours...Life Is Cruel...Or Is It?

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We all sat in the Curtis living room, we felt like a bus had just hit us in the face. I couldn't take it, so I got up and ran out the door with Soda and Two Bit chasing after me. I simply just told them I wanted to be alone for a while. We argued for a bit, but eventually they left. I sat in the lot crying hysterically. I thought of Johnny and how he slept here almost every night if he wasn't at my house or the Curtis's, or maybe even his parent house if they decided not to beat him that night. I couldn't stop thinking about how he looked earlier today, how frail and burnt he was, it just killed me.

Dally's P.O.V

I can't believe Johnny died right in front of my eyes. I just couldn't shake that thought out of my mind. I ran outta the hospital room leaving Ponyboy there and I ran over to a nearby corner store. I was looking at the magazines when the man working the counter started to get suspicious. Then I ripped one and he told me I have to pay for it. I walked up to him and put my unloaded gun up to his face and yelled "Give me the money." He gave it to me and I ran out  the door and as I ran I was shot in the shoulder. It was a mild pain so I kept running. I ran to the nearest payphone and called the Curtis house. Steve picked up, I told him I wanted to talk to Darrel. He gave the phone to Darry and I told him my situation and told him to meet me in the lot and he said "sure be there soon." and hung up. I continued running into the lot and I saw Tammy sitting there crying. Then all the sudden the fuzz showed up and the gang ran up about two seconds behind them. I pulled out my unloaded heater and pointed it toward them saying you'll never get me alive and they shot. The gang kept screaming "don't shoot he ain't done nothing." Then Tammy hurled toward me saying "Dally please don't. I can't lose you." Then the last thing I said was "You will all be better off without me." Then the rest was all a blur and I saw a bright light...

Tammy's P.O.V.

All the sudden Dally, the fuzz and the Gang ended up in the lot. Dally "Screamed you ain't never gonna get me alive." and he pointed an unloaded heater towards them. The gang then screamed "don't shoot he ain't done nothing." Then I ran into him and said "Dally please don't. I can't lose you." Then he collapsed to the ground and said "You will all be better off without me." The fuzz sent me and the gang away and called an ambulance. We all went back to the Curtis house and me an Two Bit were so depressed we were just drinking and smoking. Even Soda was smoking and he never smoked, but instead of drinking he just sat there drinking a whole jug of chocolate milk. After a while Soda started to get annoyed with a semi drunk me and decided it was time for bed. He picked me up and carried me to his room and we quickly fell asleep, side by side with his armed wrapped around me. That I had a deep dreamless sleep I was too depressed to dream.

Dally's P.O.V.

I saw a bright light and them Mr. and Mrs. Curtis. They told me it was great to see me and to tell everybody especially Soda, Darry and Pony that they are they're and watching. I told them that it makes no sense since I am dead. When they told me a wasn't fully with them and that I was being revived and coming back. Then the Curtis's told me that they saw Johnny earlier and that he was brought back to life. A smile grew upon my face and I was starting to flash back and forth between seeing the Curtis's and the hospital room. We said our goodbyes and I was completely back in the room. The chief of police Chief Valence who was Tammy's dad told me that I would be okay and that I was pronounced dead for 2 minutes and that I was pretty much totally unconscious and wouldn't remember the ride here and how I got here. Then he told me that since my gun was unloaded and I meant no real harm that I was off the hook. I was also told that I was allowed to go back to the gang when I was healed. They also told me that the Valence family was taking me and Johnny in to live with them until we could live on our own. This was so great for once I was purely and truly happy and grateful that I was alive.

Johnny's P.O.V.

A few days after I had died I woke up. When I was dead I saw Soda, Darry and Pony's parents, and talked to them briefly. Then apparently after 3 minutes of being legally dead I was revived. Nurse Valence who was Tammy's mother came in and told me that there was one possible surgery that they wanted to try on me that would make me able to walk again. Then she told me that me and Dally would be living with her family when we were healed until we were capable to take care of ourselves with jobs and everything. I also couldn't believe Dally was alive after what I heard happened to him I was so glad that everyone I cared about and loved were safe and sound. But I was also so glad I never had to live or deal with my cruel parents ever again. Also the court hearing was postponed until me and Dally were out of the hospital. What really sucked was that the gang wasn't allowed to know about me and Dally until we were allowed to leave, not even Tammy could know.

Authors Note:  I am sorry I haven't updated in few days but I hope you like this. Thanks a million for reading. And Tash I dedicated this to you because I know u wanted me to update so badly

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