Chapter 23

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The people ready the plane for the departure around them as Jess and Henry sit in their seats, her looking out the window down at the men on the concrete as they all get ready to leave. A jingling sound gets her attention and she looks to her right to see him fiddling with his seat belt, trying to get it buckled but not knowing how, his brow tensed in confusion that looks cute but amusing to her.

She chuckles softly and leans over toward him. "Do you need some help?" she asks sweetly.

"No, no, it's fine, I got it," he stutters and finally gets it fastened. But he seems a bit awkward.

"You know we don't have to put them on yet, right?" she smiles at him.

"It doesn't hurt," he says with his brows raised.

And when they get ready for the plane to leave after a couple minutes she looks over at him when he seems to take a deep breath, staring ahead.

"Henry," she places her hand on top of his, which is gripping the arm rest. "Are you afraid of flying?"

"What? N-no that's absurd," he answers and glances over his shoulder at something. "It's just that I haven't been in an airplane since I was a chap and that was only once..." he frowns.

"Hey..." She puts her hand on the opposite side of his face and gently turns his head to make him look at her. "Everything is going to be alright. I promise."

"That's kind of you, dear but you cannot see the future," he says quickly in a way that sounds kind of humorous.

"You're right, I can't. But I refuse to believe God brought us together just to rip us apart." She lifts up the armrest after gently prying his fingers off so that she can sit right next to him. "Here. Hold on to me, not the chair," She squeezes his hand. "Think about something else."

He sighs and nods quickly. She thinks it's rather sweet that he seems to need her comfort as much as she needs his. They really do complete each other. he squeezes her hand back after she does and looks at the ground.

"What are you thinking about?" she whispers after a moment. He is still tense and he needs to relax.

"Lost?" he frowns.

Jess laughs gently. "That's not going to help, although I wouldn't mind being stranded on an island with you," she smiles.

He chuckles.

"Think of something happy. Think of... after we're married. I can see it," she begins. "I see us moving in together, cuddling on the couch, waking up to good morning kisses. I see us having arguments, making up after, cooking our favorite foods." She grins at the thought. She can feel Henry relaxing considerably so she continues. "I see us smiling for no reason, annoying each other when we're bored, having the cutest little babies, watching them grow up. Most importantly I see us, side by side, together. Forever," she finishes.

He looks up at her, the warmest feeling inside him at her words. That is all he wants. To go through the good times and the bad times with her, dancing late at night after the children have gone to bed, holding her when she cries from a sad movie, sleeping with her in his arms, welcoming her each day from work with a kiss, and when bad things happen they will have each other to fall back on. He knows he can never be the man she deserves. But he wants nothing more than to spend the rest of his life trying to be that man.

She can tell by the look in his eyes he has forgotten all about his fear. She gives him a smile then wraps his arm around her shoulders and leans against him, welcoming the warmth in the slightly chilly airplane.

He can tell she is chilly so he pulls off his blazer and lets her wear it, feeling perfectly warm enough himself without it. That's when the preparations start for their departure. The plane moves forward and starts off down the runway. He breathes in deeply and swallows. That makes Jess almost giggle. He's fine of course.

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