Chapter 26

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"Come on we're almost there!" Henry calls from where he stands about fifteen yards in front of her. He turns to smile at her and adjust his backpack strap.

They are on their way back from a long hike around the mountain, their trail through the woods to see the country of Wales like never before. Beams of white light scatter through the leaves above her as she takes another step with her brown hiking boots against the dirt. Through the tall trunks of brown she can see the mountains scaling high into the clouds, no civilization for miles.

The hike was incredible but she can't wait to get back and relax, her legs feeling like noodles. She is surprised at Henry's ability to not be as worn out.

Although she doesn't know he is almost just as tired as she is but doesn't show it. But the mountains make him excited like a child at a theme park. He loves to wander through the woods and climb mountains here. And even though it's only their first day of the trip they have done just that.

Their wedding was only a couple days ago. They haven't had time for any goofing off because of the trip here. They were so tired last night that she was already asleep when her head hit the pillow. But who would have thought a honeymoon in the mountains would be the ideal place? Ella suggested romantic places like France and others but Jess and Henry both really love exploring the wilderness; the trees; the mountains... It's perfect.

"I'm coming, be patient," she pants, trying to catch her breath. "You're like a child in a sweet shop," she teases as she catches up to him.

He laughs and takes her hand after rolling up the sleeve of his cotton jacket. "Come on. You cannot say you're not having fun."

They are heading on the path towards their solitary cabin at the edge of the towering thirteen thousand foot mountain. Jess had enough money to rent it for two weeks. And it's incredible.

It's roughly forty degrees here but with the hike she left her plaid shirt tied around her waist so she can breathe in her grey t-shirt.

They didn't need a lot of supplies on their walk so he has the only backpack. But she has a heavy duty camera around her neck as well.

"You know I'm enjoying this," she smiles. "I just was not prepared for this type of exercise."

"Oh but this is just the beginning darling," he smiles. "I'll be dragging you all over this country with me. So be prepared," he nestles his face close for a peck on the cheek and a chuckle.

"I suppose I best get into shape pretty quickly then."

He laughs softly.

"Hang on, the light here is perfect." She says suddenly coming to a stop. She turns on her camera. She is nowhere near being a professional photographer but she experience with painting helps her look for good photo ops. "Stand facing this direction," she positions Henry the way she wants. "Now do some adventurer pose."

Thunder booms in the sky again, rattling the trees and shaking the ground beneath them. Henry looks up at the dark clouds that blanket the sky in puffs of dark grey. "Do you think we'll get there in time?" he asks.

"We'll be fine. The cabin is just around the bend and the storm makes for good lighting. Now strike a pose."

"What?" he laughs. "No."

"Come on," she begs. "Just try to look brave and adventures. Stare dramatically off into the horizon. It will turn out good."

He is laughing. "No! How about you stare 'dramatically' and I'll get one of you?"

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