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{Delilah}.   40+ comments for next chapter.

A few hours later, Luke and I returned to the hospital. He had been trying to help me clean up the mess I made, but there were still some things that we couldn't fix which left us with no other choice but to leave them for the time being.

It was late evening when we arrived and the hospital was beginning to quieten down. Michael and Ashton had gone home leaving just me and Luke as we made our way to see Calum. He seemed tired and frustrated, guilt beginning to arise within me as I realised that maybe he needed me when I was gone.

I took my usual seat beside him after leaning down to place a soft kiss to his forehead. I didn't get much response, but I shook it off not wanting to question him. Calum's food arrived and he sighed heavily, using the buttons next to his bed to help sit himself up, staring blankly at the tray before him. Before I had the chance to help him, he reached down independently and picked up the plastic knife and fork in his hands, attempting to eat by himself.

I watched in silence, a sympathetic frown etching onto my features as he put all his focus into trying to move his hands enough to reach his food. He scowled, biting down on his lip as he breathed in and out harshly. 

"Cal." I spoke up quietly, not wanting to make him feel embarrassed.  

"I can do it." He replied coldly, still struggling with his words every now and then. 

I waited a few seconds, glancing back and forth between him and Luke to see how he was feeling about this. Luke nodded his head softly, offering me a sad smile to encourage me to interfere.

I reached over to Calum, trying to take the cutlery from his hands as the task was seeming near impossible for him, but he refused. "Calum, baby." I cooed, keeping my patience strong with him as I had no idea how frustrating this was for him. He groaned and turned away from me as I tried again, annoyance clear on his face.

I sighed heavily, standing up not giving Calum much of a choice this time as I leaned over and pulled the plasticware from his hands. Nor Luke or I were expecting a reaction anywhere near to what he gave us. We were both taken aback, and I think Calum might have shocked himself a little, too as he pushed the table of food away causing some of the containers to crash to the floor.

A silence lingered over the room for a few seconds, the only thing to be heard was Calum's heavy breathing. He seemed distressed when we turned back to face him, tears brimming in his eyes as his hands tugged at his hair, incoherent mumbles leaving his dried lips as he awaited one of us to speak.

"Calum-" I spoke his name, but he cut me off seconds later, his voice hoarse.

"No." His voice shook, afterwards, he sniffled slightly keeping his head down.

"Calum, it's ok." Luke reassured him, contemplating whether or not to go and comfort him. 

"Please, just go." He whispered. I couldn't make out whether it was shame or defeat that lingered in his tone, but I knew for a fact that he hated himself for what had just happened. I could tell by the way he sat there, so still and so exhausted looking, that he felt like a failure for being unable to do even the simplest things which were once effortless to him.

I opened my mouth to speak, but I saved my breath instead, bending down to the floor to pick up what had fallen down. Luke helped too, pushing the tray of food into the corner of the room away from Calum. 

"Do you want us to get you something else to eat?" Luke asked him cautiously, hesitant to speak much more.

But Calum didn't reply, instead, he sat there on the bed, eyes away from us as his tears reduced to quiet sniffles which was soon all we heard from him. A few seconds passed and we soon got the memo that Calum just wanted some peace and quiet, so Luke hesitantly dismissed himself after saying his goodbyes to us.

I watched Luke leave, slowly turning back to Calum who was still as quiet as he had been the past few weeks whilst he was asleep. I reached for his hand, hoping to soothe him and calm him down from his min outburst, but once again he turned away from me, refusing to let me touch him.

"I want to stay."  I told him, hoping that he would give in to me.

He stayed silent, his body shivering every other minute as an effect from the medicine. I dropped my head, reaching down for my bag as I made my way towards the door. I paused, looking at Calum for a few seconds, just praying that he was ok.

"Goodnight, Cal."


Naw, Calum can't even cut his ittle wittle hospital food. I don't know why people always complain about it though, I got so much special treatment, it was great. The food was really good actually and the rooms were so warm and the bed was comfy and the nurses were so nice to me! Aw.

Thank you for 31 comments on last chapter. You guys still enjoying this?

I hope you are. I work really hard and update like 4 times a week for you guys. :/

I'm in for The Wattys with all of my books and it would be a dream to win something.

40+ comments for next chapter.

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