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I know it was late, but I couldn't just leave it - I had to make sure she was ok. I fiddled with my phone in my hands, hesitating for a few seconds before reluctantly giving up and dialling Luke's number. He picked up after several rings, his voice groggy and slurred signalling that I had just woken him up.

"Hello?" He mumbled out and I let out a breath of relief when he answered.

"Luke, it's me," I spoke up, my voice quiet and shaking.

"Calum?" He asked. "What's wrong? Dude, it's like 3am - are you ok?"

I shook my head, speaking when I remembered that he couldn't see me. "No," I began with, the panic in my answer seeming to alert his attention and cause him to listen to me more clearly. "It's Delilah," I told him. "She never came home and I don't know where she could have gone."

"Look, just calm down, ok?" Luke spoke - his voice slow and patient.

"Can you help me find her? Please Luke, I don't want her out alone - especially at this time of morning." He paused for a few moments, his silence only adding to my anxiety over the situation.

"I think I know where she might be," He murmured out and I hoped with all of my heart that he right.



His anger was as strong as the scent of vodka on my breath, and I was sure that once we got to the car he would explode in a fit of rage. I followed with my head dropped low - like a disobedient child who had just been caught for their wrong-doings.

I almost tripped on the way, feeling like the ground was moving beneath me though I knew that was just the effects of the alcohol in my bloodstream.

His hand gripped tightly on the steering wheel and he stared straight ahead, breathing deeply and not driving anywhere. I remained silent but I knew what was coming. I knew what he was going to say, but that still didn't soften the blow when it hit me. I don't know what was worse; the desperation in Luke's voice as he spoke to me, or that fact that he really didn't seem to expect anything less of me - almost like he couldn't be disappointed anymore. I think it was the latter.

"Why?" Luke asked me. "Why are you doing this to yourself?"

I shook my head, unable to find the words to say.

"You wouldn't understand," I muttered out to him barely understanding it myself.

"Just try me. I get you a lot more than you think." I looked over at him, my tear filled eyes staring into his exhausted blue ones.

"I messed up, Luke. I was selfish and I left him, and I almost killed him in the process. He says he still loves me but he shouldn't - not after what I've done. I just don't want to let him get too close to me again. I know that it will only hurt him."

Luke had already started driving, my eyes following the lines on the road as he drove me home.

"No Del," he whispered to me, taking his eyes off the road for a few seconds. "This is hurting him." I shook my head, but he continued. "So what?- you got in a fight. Every relationship has them. And I know you wanted to leave that night, but in no way are you responsible for what happened to him, ok? You didn't make him follow you, and you weren't the one who hit him, either."

I knew that his words were true, but they still didn't fix anything. The crater in my chest was still there, my throat screaming out for another shot of vodka but I also knew that if I drank any more, I would have passed out.

"But you're missing the point, Luke," I told him, my drunken mind speaking the truth. "The whole reason he got in his car that night was because he was following me. If I just stayed, then-"

"Then what?" Luke asked me. "Then you wouldn't be in this situation?" His words confused me, suddenly seeming like they were against me. He shook his head at my reaction, breathing deeply to try and think clearer.

"All I'm saying is that you didn't cause this, Del. You had problems long before any of this even happened, and you deciding that you needed to get away - to clear your head or whatever, is by no means to blame for what Calum went through. He chose to follow you, ok? He chose to get in his car and risk everything to get you back. He chose it."

His eyes were back on the road and I was waiting for him to look over at me so I could notice the sincere look on his features.

"And he loves you, Del," Luke murmured to me, both hands now gripping the steering wheel as he pulled onto my road. "Always has done."


Aw, Lucas you go gurllllll. Jks.



Trying to get the point across that Delilah is hating herself because of what happened to Calum and that she thinks it's her fault because he followed her, when really - no one else sees it that way. And she's convinced herself that it is only a matter of time before Calum realises that it was her fault and that soon he'll see that he doesn't love Delilah anymore. 

I luh ya cuties I luh ya luh ya luh ya cuties.

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