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Delilah walked out after breakfast and I hadn't heard from her since. I had no idea where she went, but I hoped she was safe and I hoped that she wasn't alone. I think being left to her thoughts was the last thing she needed.

I was exhausted for no apparent reason other than the fact that my body was still recovering and becoming used to the sudden decrease in medicine. I'd rather my bed to rest in, but there was no way I was able to make it up the stairs without the help of someone, so I gave in resulting in lying down against the worn out couch.

I shifted uncomfortably, pulling the thin blanket nearby over so that it would cover me. I didn't manage to get much sleep last night, and I don't know whether that was because I was home again for the first time in weeks, or if it was simply because Delilah wasn't beside me. I went with the latter.

My head faced the ceiling and I closed my eyes hoping that sleep would come soon. I stirred around in discomfort and it wasn't long before my eyelids drew heavy.

But then when I finally was drifting off to sleep, that's when it all came back to me.

It was different every night, but along the same lines. One night I would remember the blinding lights of an 18-wheeler heading straight in my direction, leaving me with no time to move out the way - feeling as real as the night it occurred; other times it felt much worse as my mind taunted me with visions of Delilah in my place, the car flipping over and smashing to the ground before catching alight seconds later.

But tonight it was different. I'm not sure why. Maybe there wasn't even a reason for it, but it defiantly felt real. Perhaps it was my mind's cruel way of showing me what I looked like to her, or maybe it just scared me so much therefore the thought wouldn't go away.

But I was looking in through a small window, a small figure on the bed surrounded by what appeared to be a dozen doctors and surgeons. And when they finally moved out the way I could see her. Delilah was lying on the operating table, her body dripping in blood, open wounds and nasty bruises covering every visible part of her. I was screaming out her name, banging on the window to try and get close to her, but no one could see me.

The loud ringing of a heart monitor rang out showing the flat-lining on the screen, doctors desperately trying to get her heart restarted as her slump body fell weak, her hand falling by her side.

'Delilah!' I screamed after her, something seeming to hold me back.

"Delilah!" I cried out, sitting upright at a sudden loss of breath. My hand flew up to my chest in an attempt to steady my breathing, beads of sweat dripping down my forehead as I blinked my eye furiously to force away any tears.

I looked around the dark, quiet house, the light from the TV illuminating the room. I rested my head in my hands, pulling at my hair as I tried to calm myself down. I picked up my phone from the coffee table, the brightness of the screen taking a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to.

It was just after 1AM and I was far too scared to fall back asleep. I still had no idea where Delilah was, but I knew she was;t home.

I leaned back against the back of the couch, closing my eyes - but not to sleep. Minutes passed, then hours and I waited for her to come home, for a while not even sure if she would even return.


Almost 30 chapters again, thank you so much for all the lovely comments. I'm so glad you're enjoying this.

A couple of you have been asking, but no - there won't be a third book. After this, I will be continuing on with Reckless then hopefully get Paper Hearts up and running - one I've been planning since the start of 2014.

Again, your comments mean the world to me - so please share your thoughts with me. Tell me how the Dalum drama makes you feel, how Del's mental state is like to read, and Calum's struggle with not knowing what's wrong.

Here's a preview line from an upcoming chap: If I told her I loved her, she wouldn't believe me.

Triple update. 50 COMMENTS FOR AN UPDATE !!!!!

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