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I looked towards the floor, sniffling quietly as I tried to fight back tears.

"What's happened to her? Why is she so broken?"

Luke gave his usual pause in between our words, fiddling with his hands as he was deep in thought. I waited, my mind ticking with questions, threatening to explode if I didn't get an answer soon. His eyes met mine and I could see that he was hesitant to speak, like he knew the truth about what happened with us, but he didn't want to be honest. He gave in after I begged him with my eyes, something about him seeming to fall just a little bit.

"I think the problem is that perhaps she didn't want to feel anything at all, and you just made her feel too much."

I waited and waited for him to be proved wrong, seconds passing before it finally sunk in that he was right. His words strung at something deep inside of me and I felt like everything seemed to click. Even before he finished his last few words, I knew he was right. Despite the complete denial I felt, I knew it was true. I felt my heart in my throat along with the sudden urge to cry, but I fought them both back, holding onto the ache so that I wouldn't hurt anyone else.

Luke didn't look up at me afterwards, too nervous, too worried. He was kind of a storage for us - an empty place for everyone to rest their burdens on. He only seemed to take and take and take, and even when I was sure he couldn't hold anymore; he always did. 

"How is it that you always seem to know exactly what we're feeling?" I asked, half-joking, forcing a chuckle at the end of my words. I expected even the slightest of smiles, but it seemed that he couldn't even muster that. "I just know what it's like to lose someone and not be able to get them back. I don't want to see that happen to you two, I don't want you to stop fighting."

I felt almost a strange sense of guilt flood through me after he spoke, an unwanted pit of nausea growing in my stomach.

"Luke, I'm.." I went to apologise, but couldn't find the words.

"It's not your fault," he began. "I'm doing better now, it's alright. But, just don't quit on her, yeah?" He asked, his voice saddening with every word, the faintest hint of hope laced onto them.

I looked at him so that our eyes met, nodding my head before pulling my eyes away, staring down at the thin sheets which did little to keep me warm at night. "I won't," I promised him, gently hitting my fists together. "I won't."

And with that promise, he left.



I was standing outside the entrance to the hospital, contemplating whether or not to stay, or go. I didn't know what I wanted, I didn't know what Calum wanted - but I could have a guess. It seemed that the decision had been made up for me as Luke wondered over to my side, hurt shining in his eyes as he tried to avoided my gaze.

"Hey, what's up with you?" Nudging him with my elbow gently, I asked him. He shrugged off my movement, grumbling a few incoherent words before dropping his head down in defeat. "Luke?" I turned so that my back was against the railing, facing towards Luke as his hands were resting in front of him as he stared at the cars passing by.

"That used to be us," he spoke calmly, my vision following to what his was set on. I furrowed my brows in confusion, puzzled by what he was talking about. "Everyone out there, they're probably driving past here on their way home now, and I bet you that they're ok." 'Who was he talking about?' I couldn't help but ask myself. Needless to say, he continued on. "While the rest of the world is out there, continuing on with their lives undisturbed by anything, we're tied to this place and as of 2 months ago, our lives can never be what they used to be."

"What are you trying to say?" I felt the need to question, so I did.

"I'm saying that everything has changed," he sighed, his body maundering defeatedly. "And that I'm not sure if we're ever going to have that again," he added on as he looked out at the world.

"Have what?"



Yo, sorry for no update in like 6 days??

I kinda needed a wittle break from 5SOS, nothing bad, just, I need other things in my life too, I guess.

If you could please pray for my friend it would mean a lot to me. Her father is still struggling to find a job and I just really want them to be ok and for her to be happy and not worry about things. Thank you .x


*impatiently waiting for someone to upload The Scorch Trials online*

Love you.


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