You're famous

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HIS P.O.V! (Not all of them)
Luke: dude you're going to catch a fly,if you don't close your mouth." Calum said to me. "What? Oh sorry mate it's just she's so gergouse! But I don't know if I have the courage to say anything to her she's too famous she's in a band and I can embarrasse myself in front of them and then they won't like me!" I explained with a sad look on my face. "Okay what if I just stand next you and when you say something dumb I'll hit you with my elbow not hard though and if you don't know what to say I'll help you out I'll be your uh what's that word?" Cal looked at me with a confused face "um...A wingman?" "Yep that's the word now let's go!" We walked to the little bar where she was standing talking to some girl. The girl saw me and moved her to the side giving her a hint I was there. She turned around and smiled. "Hi!" She said "H-hi I'm luke." I told her she smiled again, "yes I know who you are you're in the band 5 seconds of summer." "Yea yes I am" I smiled. "I love your band." I blushed thank god it was pretty dark not much light. "T-thanks." "Well you guys are doing okay I'm gonna leave you guys." Calum said walking away. "Hey what happened to wing man?" I said as I catched up to him, he turned around laughing and put his hand on my shoulder. "I just said that to give you confidence now go she's Waiting!" I turned around and she waved slightly. "Okay I'll g-" cal was gone so I just walked up to Y/n and continued talking. After a while I thought I should leave and she nodded "okay bye" she hugged me and I Hugged her back "I hope we do this again sometime!" "Yea me too." And she kissed my cheek. Few minutes later I got a tweet notification. Y/T/N talked to @luke5sos tryed so hard not to fangirl GOD HES SO CUTE!!! :) <3 I squealed "guys guys!" "What?!?" They all said at the sane time "Y/N TWEETED ABOUT ME AND SAID I WAS SO CUTE!" A chorse of "oh my god and shut up luke." Went around the hotel room. Few seconds later I had a DM from her and it said hi :-----) and I quickly responded.
Ashton: "Let's give a round of applause to Y/N Y/L/N!" The interview announced. I walked out waving and smiling at the cheering crowd. "Okay so we're going to ask questions from fans on the twitter." "Okay.." I said smiling nervously, fan questions always make me nervouse because they ask very personal questions sometimes or sometimes they ask questions as a Joke you answer it in a joking manner and its all over the internet soon after wards which causes a lot of attention. "Okay first question, this is from @R/T/N who's your celebrity crush?" I looked up quickly without thinking twice. "Oh that's easy Ashton Irwin from 5 seconds of summer." "Oh really?" The interview asked intrigued. "Yea! I love 5 seconds of summer they inspire some of my music that I write, but I was bullied when I was in school and I hated going to school I pretended to be sick, I had depression and anxiety, but when I heard of 5 seconds of summer I feel in love with them because they went through the same thing and there music just made me feel so happy I didn't have a favorite they were all amazing to me, then I read about Ashton and I just feel completely in love with him how even though he was bullied he still smiling still laughing being happy and telling fans to be strong cutting isn't really an answer and with him I found that out that cutting isn't a solution." "Wow that's a good reason you just told us your life by explaining your love about Ashton." "Yea becuase he saved my life I bet they here that everyday but its true." "Well 5 seconds of summer came yesterday morning and we asked all of them the same exact question and this is what Ashton said." "Okay..." I said and turned my head to the TV next to me and Ashton's pretty face showed up making me smile. "Okay boys any celebrity crushes?" Luke, michael, and calum all said "you guys already know ours, we've answered it so many times, But Ashton hasn't." "Who's your celebrity crush Ashton?" He began to blush fiercely and he had a huge smile on his face. "Y/N Y/L/N is my celebrity crush." "Why?" The interviewer asked. "Well." He Began sitting up straight. "She's extremely talented, she plays the guitar, drums, she sings beautifully, she has an amazing personality, she acts like her self all the time she doesn't let fame get to her she's just like okay I'm famous that's cool, she treats fame like a normal different lifestyle, if she wants to dance in an interview she'll do it she's doesn't care what people think she's just a great person that I'd be happy to date." The TV turned off leaving the screen black you turned around smiling almost crying. "Are you gonna cry?" The interviewer said chuckling. "I'm about too." He said laughing swallowing back the tears. The interview was done and you walked with your body guard to the van of course fans and paparazzis where everywhere you took pics with fans signed auto graphs, your body guard pushed you foward and you just waved at the some of the fans who didn't get to have a picture or a autograph. In the van you rolled down the window giving blow kisses to the fans and you sped away. During the ride you felt your phone vibrate it was notification that Ashton had tweeted something @Y/T/N OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU! you're amazing I can't believe I saved your life, I cried watching the interview. @ashton5sos yes you did save my life thank you and I almost cried watching you say all those nice things :----) later you had a DM from Ashton a simple hello beautiful made your insides fill with butterflies.

Calum: (His p.o.v)
Me and my band mates posed as paparazzis took pictures of us at the VMA's. From the corner of my high I saw Y/N Y/L/N, she's an amazing singer and I love her music, and I have a huge crush on her. She finished her pictures and walked infront us. I felt a nudge and it was Michael he knew about my crush so did the other boys but they didn't tease me about it as Much as Michael did. he wiggled his eyebrows when he saw her. "Stop." I said sternly. We walked down the red carpet walking inside the stadium for the award show. Me and the boys all sat together. There was one chair still empty. I looked at the name and my heart Pounded in my chest it said y/n's full name. I looked at the guys pointing to the chair. They leaned forward and read it. They smirked lookimg at me. Soon I saw a beautiful girl and she sat in the chair I began to get really nervouse sweaty palms, red cheeks everything. "Hi your calum hood!" She said I turned my head and smiled "yes I am." "Oh my god I love your band and your my favorite member, I have a huge crush on you." "really?" I said smiling. "Yea surprised you didn't hear about it in every Interview I talk about you." She said blushing. "Oh well surprised that you didn't know I had a crush on you I get asked about it all The time." "Oh" she said smiling. "Hey do you wanna come to the after party with me?" "Sure!" She said. The boys all nudged me and gave me a pat on the back.

"Who's your celebrity crush?" Oh the same stinking question every time! "Michael Clifford from 5 seconds of summer." "Oh really?" The interviewer said. "Yes really she stalks his Twitter, and instagram, when he followed her on twitter and instagram she screamed so loud I thought someone was trying to murder her." My band mate Lia said. I blushed and gave her the look that she was gonna die. "Oh! Well someone is in love." "Well I wouldn't call it love-" "its love!" My other band mate Raquel said. "I guess then." I said with a shrug. "Okay well why do you like Michael so much?" "Well." I sighed. "I love his funny crazy personality i really like guys that are funny and crazy like upbeat happy I love his hair it's so amazing! "I can tell you like hair dye your hair is so crazy and colorful but I love it!" The interviewer said laughing. I grabbed the end of my Pink purple blue red hair. "Yea." "Well have you ever wondered if Michael liked you back?" You smiled "All the time!" "Well..let's ask him!" I stared at her wide "what?!?" I yelled and she smirked.
"Hi Michael!"
"Hi! How are you?"
"I'm good so we have the band rythmetic Melodies here and we found out Y/N has a crush on you what do you have to say about that?"
My heart stopped all the blood rushed down my face I was frozen I felt like I need to puke!
"Oh my god are you serious! Um y/n?"
"Go talk." My bandmates said
" y-yea?"
"I like you too!"
"Ahh Omg!" I blushed and giggled!
"Make sure to check your DM's"
"I will!"
"Okay bye!"
After all that and the Interview over I went on twitter and sure enough I had a DM from Michael: hi I can't believe you have a crush on me! I had a crush on you since you became famous!
You: same here!
And that's a how a beautiful relationship happened!

5 seconds of summer preferences/imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora