You guys get into a fight

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Calum: "Why don't you believe me!" You yelled at calum. Calum got home and threw a magazine at you when you looked down at it the cover had a picture of you and your cousin hugging and calum thought you were cheating on him, see cal never met your cousin he'd be on tour when your cousin would visit, and you never really mentioned him you don't know it just never got to mind so you don't blame calum for thinking this way. You explained to him nicely but he rolled his eyes and yelled bull y/n. That's when you got angry and yelled at him. "You don't you believe me!" "Because y/n no one hugs there cousin that close or tight!" "We have a close relation ship!" I yelled at him. "If you did why didn't you mention him then huh!" "Because when he visits your always on tour, and I want you to meet him when you're home do you believe me now?" You asked calum hopeful look in your eyes, he looked at you and shook his head no. Tears stung your eyes and you tried to swallow them and not let them fall. "Wow calum that's pathetic! You believe a dumb magazine but don't believe your own girlfriend!" Calum opened his mouth to speak but you cut him off. "When you trust me again tell me." I walked into our shared bedroom tears falling freely now. About 15 minutes later you fell asleep you didn't hear the door opening, our calums foot steps. You did wake up when calum put his arm around and whispered in your ear. "I'm so sorry baby I know I shouldn't have believed that dumb magazine, its just you're so beautiful and I know there's guys out there more attractive then me and im scared I'll loose you one day I love you y/n so much." He kissed your cheek and walked away but you grabbed his arm. He looked down out you smiling. "I love you too calum and trust me no one is going to take me away from you." He smiled again and layed down again putting his arm on my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder. "Can I keep you?" I asked. "You have me!" He replied "Forever?" "And always." He replied again.
A/N: awwwww calpal ur so cute!

Ashton: You sat on the couch watching tv. You sighed and looked at your watch it was 2:30am, and Ashton hasn't come home yet. You thought maybe he was still in the studio, making a new album takes a lot of work, but you thought horrible things too maybe he got in a car accident on the way home, and the worst thought is he cheating on you? Your thoughts were interrupted by Ashton walking in. You stood up and watched him take off his shoes and his jacket. he looked up," what y/n!" he snapped you were taking a back, ashton never snapped at you like that, And you were quit mad but stayed calm. "where were you?'' you asked calm as possible. "out." he simply said and began to walk away from you, you put your hand on his shoulder stopping him he rolled his eyes. ''what now?" ''out where ashton?'' "out just out!" he yelled and you lost it. ''Ashton when I tell you where you need to answer me, lets try this again where were you?" ''are you my mother why are you asking me these question Man your e so controlling.'' he walked away again this time you didn't stop him you stood there in shock tears stinging your eyes like the sting you have inside you when he called you controlling. You decided to sleep in the couch not wanting to be anywhere near him, You pulled a blanket on you and fell asleep. You smelled something good, opening your eyes you noticed. Ashton cooking something, you got up and leaned on the wall crossing your arms. He turned around to put bacon on two plates. "hot, hot,hot.'' then he saw you. ''Hi y/n good morning,'' ''good morning.'' you replied. Ashton took your hand and sat you down at the dinner table. he then came with two plates with waffles eggs and bacon. you smiled at his effort ''thank you ashton.'' you said smiling up at him. he nodded putting his plate on the table. ''okay.'' he began. ''im so sorry I acted like that yesterday, I was at the studio since 7 in the morning and I was tired and stressed I didn't want questions to be asked and as sure as heck didn't want to answer them. my reason for being stressed was I've was writing you a song which is also the reason I came home late, so im really really sorry y/n I felt so lonely last night I wanted to carry and bring you in my room but I didn't want you to wake up and yell at me, and I wanted to let you sleep.'' I smiled at ashton as he looked into my eyes hopefully. ''its okay ash I understand just got a little mad that you didn't answer my question but that's the past. What time is It?' I asked I didn't even know what time it was and I wanted to know. ''7:30' you gasped. ''Oh my god its to early for life right now.'' ashton laughed. ''well since I knew you were a light sleeper I made breakfast to wake you up and because I love you, of course but today I have to go to the a studio and I want you to come!'' ''why?'' you asked confusion written all over your face. ''well because I finished the song and want to sing it to you!" I giggled ''okay ill be ready in 20 minutes. you kiss ashton and were about to leave when he grabbed your wrist. ''I love you.'' you smiled widely. ''I love you too.''

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