You're a nerd

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Ashton: you walked into the building head down. You heard a few comments and laughs, but you did your best to ignore everything. You walked up to your locker quickly putting the combination, looking around for the school jock justin he's your bully he'll push you against the lockers and say rude things to you or he'll knock your binder out of your hands dumping everything out he'll laugh and walk away. You closed your locker and speed walked to your first period. "HEY UGLY!" You squezzed your eyes shut and began walking faster it was justin. Two strong arm grabbed your shoulders and pushed you against the lockers. "Hey worthless piece of garbage!" "L-leave me alone!" "Oh you speak! You have a tongue let's see what we can say about you today!" He looked at your clothing up. "Your emo! Your wearing all black. Wow any new scars today." He grabbed my arm and looked at it. He looked over at the new scars and smirked. "Wow pathetic!" He threw me on the ground and I Winced in pain, he walked away. I sighed picking up all the papers as I grabbed for my math book another pair of hands grabbed it, I looked up and there he was standing smiling at me. Ashton Irwin he was in all my classes and I had a small crush on him. "Here give me your hand I'll help you up." I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. "Thanks." I mummbled "your welcome Y/N right?" I nodded. "I heard everything Justin said and it's okay your not pathetic I have scars too." He moved his bracelets reavealing scars and widen my eyes schoked. "Your not ugly either your really pretty and black is cool!" I smiled "I'll take you to class." "Okay." And from that day on Ashton has been my body guard and my boyfriend!

Luke: I walked into lunch and and grabbed a tray walking to the lunch line. After the cafteria lady put my food on the tray I walked to a table as I walked Angela the schools wanna be dumped my tray on me "oops!" She said and walked away laughing. I never knew why she hated my guts, I didn't do anything to her she just simply hated me for no reason. "Oh my god are you okay?" I looked up and saw luke hemmings the schools cutie, I liked him a lot. I looked at Angela and she was giving me dirty looks why is she giving me dirty looks luke doesn't even like me! "Are you okay?" He asked snapping me from my thoughts "oh um yea kinda sorta the food is hot and so is my shirt so it's sticking to my body, its burning me." "Oh I'm sorry Angela is a brat here I'll take you to the nurse." He put his hand on the bottom of my back and walked me to the nurse, I for changed and cleaned up. "Wow your really pretty!" "W-what?" "Your pretty!" Luke said without studdering or taking it back "thanks" I said playing with the hem of my shirt. We left the nurse and walked to class.
"Y/n you know I like you." I stopped walking and looked up at him. "Y-you do?" I asked shocked in my voice. "Yea ever wondered why Angela hated you?" "All the time." I said with a sigh. "Well because she likes me and does everything to make me go out with her because everyone is expecting it and she thinks it's gonna make her more popular, but since I like you she does everything to make you look bad infront of me." "Oh well then...." "Y/n look at me." I looked up at him and he put my chin between his index finger and thumb and kissed me.
Calum: "Ugly!" "Fat" "worthless piece of garbage" were the words I heard as I walked into my class. I sat down in my usual spot the back of the classroom. More things were being said about me. "She cuts thats pathetic." "That's because she is pathetic!" "Stop it!" I look up and see a cute boy saying stop to the everyone making everyone look at him. "Stop calling her these horrible things how would you feel if everyday you walked into school and people called you names." Everyone murmered I wouldn't like it. "Exactly and neither does she!" A girl yelled "why are you standing up for her!" And the guy looked straight her and said "Because she is a beautiful girl and I like her a lot!" I stared wide eyed at him as soon as he turned around I knew who it was, it was calum hood. "Y/n these people are nothing don't listen to them." I nodded and then asked "do you really like me?" "Of course! And I wanna ask you something." I nodded signalling him to ask. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Nodding was all I could do. He smiled and turned to the class. "Now she has a boyfriend say anything to her and I'll hurt you!" (I don't want to cuss so yea....")
Michael: "hi" I heard a voice from behind say to me I turned around and smiled "hi your name is Michael right?" He nodded. "Youre in my algebra class, and I wanted to tell you, you are really pretty and don't listen to the other people." "Oh thank you and Michael its not easy ignoring it hurts, people even throw papers at me and when I open it there's always something negative." "About what?" I sighed, "about how fat my nose is." "I love your nose it's pokeable." "That's not a word Michael but thanks I guess they talk about how fat my fingers are." "Your fingers are adorable!" I smiled and continued. "About my scars and how they look ugly." Michael grabbed my arm and kissed it smoothing it with his thumb. "And thats what I like most about you your scars it proves you are a fighter and your strong." I smiled looking at the ground. Then I realized he said liked me. I knotted my eyebrows and looked at him. "You like me?" He looked straight into my eyes and said yes. "And you know what my second favorite thing about you is?" I shook my head no, he smiled and said "your lips." He moved my hair behind my ear and kissed me gently.

A/N: my personal favorite was Michaels which was your favorite?

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