Part 1

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Princess Starlight : *holding her phone up* We have our first question!

Jeff : Boo.

BEN : *shakes his head*

Princess Starlight : This question is from Silverx721. It says, I have a question :3 All the CreepyPasta's (but Slendy and Jeff) need to answer this, who is cooler? Slendy or Jeff? (I like Slendy more >3<)

Slenderman : Then you have good taste in men.

Princess Starlight : I have to say Jeff is cooler when it comes to style

BEN : Same

Slenderman : =^=

Eyeless Jack : I'm ... Agreeing with them.

Masky : I say Slenderman is cooler

Hoodie : Same

Ticci Toby : *breaks the door and pops in* I AGREE WITH THE MASK AND HOOD 8D

Masky and Hoodie : =.=

Princess Starlight : So that's 3 against 3..

Slenderman : Why do I even bother? =_=

Princess Starlight : I'm pretty sure though, if we ask everyone, Slendy would win

Jeff : Jerks.

Slenderman : =u=

Princess Starlight : Next question is from JoshuatheHedgefox. It says here, Where's Sonic.EXE in this? Because I have a dare for him: Chase and catch Sonic! >:3

BEN : I hate that guy =∆=

Princess Starlight : Easy leprechaun, your rival is Dark Link.

BEN : I hate him too.

Princess Starlight : *rolls her eyes* Sonic. EXE is in this, but he's currently in a computer, I think.

Slenderman : I'll go look for him. *walks*

Princess Starlight : Thank you Slendy ^^

BEN : Humph

Princess Starlight : What?

BEN : =3= I'm the best video game Creepypasta, okay?

Princess Starlight : Hmm, I don't know ... Red is pretty cool.

BEN : D:<

Princess Starlight : X3

Slenderman : *walks back* Found him

Sonic. EXE : What is so important that I had to show up!?

Princess Starlight : Someone dared you to chase and catch Sonic.

Sonic. EXE : Ooh, now THAT'S important *runs off*

Princess Starlight : Now I wonder how this will turn out.

BEN : I bet he'll catch him.

Jeff : I bet he'll be stupid and bring Shadow instead

Hoodie : Should I go record him doing his dare?

Princess Starlight : Nah, he won't be long gone anyways, it'll take him like a couple of seconds to return. I'm guessing

Sonic. EXE : *runs in with Sonic tied up*

Sonic : Why does this keep happening to me!?


Jeff : Oh wait he brought someone else

Starlight : *also tied up* This isn't funny!

Princess Starlight : Oh look, its Starlight

Slenderman : ..... There are two princesses?

Sonic. EXE : No, one is for us, the other is for the Sonic franchise and she's purple and red, not black and red.

Starlight : Why am I here!?

Sonic. EXE : Because I wanted you too .u.

Starlight : I HATE YOU

Princess Starlight : *face palm* CUT. That's it for now Hoodie.

Hoodie : Aw, okay. *stops recording*

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