Part 43

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Princess Starlight : This is what happens when you have so many books that aren't finished.  You stay busy typing them all up


Princess Starlight : What's next?

BEN : .... from Lelelelels

Princess Starlight : .... PFFT - continue

BEN : Princess!!! I have a date for all Pastas except Slendy 'cause he'll be the judge. I dare all of you to kiss the person you hate on the part of their body that you hate the most (e.g., you hate their dick, s be it, you hate their guys, cut them open, kiss their guts then stitch them back. I'm just kidding thought. But seriously). But those who try to kiss a pasta they don't actually hate mustface the wrath of Slendy. Any punishment will do. Hi LJ! Here's a truck of candies JUST for YOU :* Lavya!

Princess Starlight : So many people love Laughing Jack like omg

Laughing Jack : *swims in a truckload of candy*

BEN : Damn. But you do realize that if we do that dare, everyone will be kissing Dark Link's dick

Dark Link : I don't mind the princess doing that~

Princess Starlight : KILL IT! KILL IT WITH HOLY WATER!

BEN : I'm too lazy

Dark Link : :3

Princess Starlight : OUT!

Dark Link : *walks away* Meeeeeeh

Princess Starlight : But yeah,  BEN has a point

BEN : And then Dark Link will end up kissing MY dick

Princess Starlight : LOLZ YAOI


Princess Starlight : YAOI


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