Part 85

189 14 3

Princess Starlight : Thank you Slenderman for cleaning up

Slenderman : Thank you for helping me

Princess Starlight : Thank you for allowing me to go to the bathroom and vomit when we finished o~o"

Slenderman ; No problem *walks away* 

Princess Starlight : Anyways, we have learned a lesson

BEN : And that is?

Princess Starlight : Don't eat so much under a short period of time

Jeff : Amen

Princess Starlight : So we have a few more comments to answer and stuff so lets get to them, shall we?

Jeff and BEN : Yes ma'am!

Princess Starlight : So from editanime_27, it says BEN & Liu,(,,•́ . •̀,,) Can I hug you two(as in for 5min) pleaseeeeee~ You two are my favorite ≧﹏≦

Princess Starlight : Aw, cuuuttee

BEN : Sure, just be careful with the cast ^^"

Homicidal Liu : *slides in and winks* 

Princess Starlight : Really, Liu?

Homicidal Liu : XD I couldn't help it

Princess Starlight : -3-"

editanime_27 : o///.///o

Homicidal Liu and BEN : Hug tiiimmee ^^

editanime_27 : >///.///< *hugs them*

BEN : Heh :3

Homicidal Liu : :3

Princess Starlight : ..... This chapter seems short

Homicidal Liu : Yeah o.o

BEN : ..... Want to read another question?

Princess Starlight : That would be nice.

Homicidal Liu : From joshprice2004 it says Hey I have a idea call me in and I'll exlain to Jeff, asky, eJ, Ben and Slendy they go on a trip to hell ( which to me is like Chicago) and meet Satan

joshprice2004 : Yup

Princess Starlight : Wait, but Admin has been to Chicago before. Its not THAT bad, is it?

joshprice2004 : I have my reasons and perspectives.

Princess Starlight: Good enough. Well, have fun in Hell.


Masky : Wait why do I have to go?

Eyeless Jack : And me?

Slenderman : Because of reasons. 

Princess Starlight : *makes a portal and walks in*

Masky, Jeff, Eyeless Jack, BEN, and Slenderman : *walk in*


Princess Starlight : So where is Satan?

Satan (my oc) : *sitting on a throne chair* You called?

Me : *runs in and pushes him off* WE WEREN'T CALLING FOR YOU!!!


Me : GET BACK HERE!! *runs*

Princess Starlight, BEN, Masky, Jeff, Slenderman, and Eyeless Jack : o-o"

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