Part 76

273 13 57

Princess Starlight : Weeeeee *flaps her arms*

BEN : *pats her head* You're silly

Princess Starlight : :D

Jeff : You guys are so weird

Princess Starlight : Alright we have a comment so I wanna do this super quick since I have work to do owo

BEN : Gwa, fine.

Princess Starlight : So this comment is from @DjDream134 and it says I'm back and hey BEN I dare you to use slendys powers to help you kill JB or You must stab your self till the Princess likes me more Later Princess (KIsses the Princess on the lips) Still invisiable later bitches *Sings fuck this shit i'm out*

BEN : .... *eye twitches*

Princess Starlight : Oh! o//////o W-Well then ^////^ Thank you for the kiss


Jeff : BEN has some competition

Princess Starlight : Jeff, please >/////>

Jeff : :3


BEN : *stomps in, all bloody* I DID IT! I KILLED HIM!

Slenderman : That's nice.

BEN : Where's Jeff and the princess?

Slenderman : Outside sun bathing

BEN : What.

Jeff : *laying down on a beach chair, wearing black shorts* This is relaxing

Princess Starlight : *wearing a black laced bikini* Yeah, it is

BEN : *trying so hard not to get a nosebleed* o////////o ...

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