Part 77

173 14 9

Princess Starlight : I think we should answer some of the questions outside for now. What do you think?

BEN : *wiping the blood away from his nose* That's a good idea *////*

Jeff : *swimming around in the pool* Works for me!

Princess Starlight : *puts on her sunglasses* Alright what do we have for today, BEN?

BEN : U-Um.. *quickly checks the ProxyPad* F-From absentmindedCrane it says here NO MATTER WHAT THIS MESSAGE ENTAILS PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO KILL ME OR EACH OTHER. 

Jeff : So subtle.

BEN : Dear Everyone, what's cweepypasta?

Princess Starlight : Well rex1811 already answered that for us in the comment section so we don't have to answer that. Next?

BEN : Dear Ben, what did Slendy find in your room?

Princess Starlight : ....... Yeah what DID he find??

Jeff : I bet you its Playboy magazines

BEN : It was Q///////Q

Princess Starlight : ..... WHY!?!?


Jeff : That's sad. 

BEN : Q///////////Q

Jeff : Just continue.

BEN : *looks* Dear EJ : I dare you to reveal your face and your darkest secret! Please and thank you


Eyeless Jack : *walks in holding a kidney* What>

Jeff : We got some dares for you

Eyeless Jack : Oh dear

Princess Starlight : First you have to remove your mask.

Eyeless Jack : I thought everyone already saw me without my mask on before?

Princess Starlight : I guess not everyone did.

Eyeless Jack : Alright then ... *removes his mask* But just so you know, I feel naked.

Princess Starlight : ........ Okay then

BEN : So what is your darkest secret?

Eyeless Jack : My darkest huh?

BEN : Yeah 

Eyeless Jack : Well......

Princess Starlight : .....

Eyeless Jack : I masturbate to furry porn

Princess Starlight : WOAH WHAT


BEN : O-O Well then.

Eyeless Jack : *puts his mask back on* Also, one thing

Princess Starlight : What?

Eyeless Jack : I lied *runs away* MUAHAHAHAHAH

Princess Starlight : I knew he was lying

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