Part 62

211 14 9

Princess Starlight : Yoo.... I'm bored and I'm in a Harry Potter mood

Dark Link : I didn't know you liked Harry Potter

Princess Starlight : Well, Admin does at least

Dark Link : That explains a lot then

Princess Starlight : But enough about me, lets get started shall we?

Dark Link : I have to read don't I?

Princess Starlight : Please?

Dark Link : Fine *looks at the ProxiePad* From ilovelouisandvegas it says here I have a question and a dare for Slenderman and Jeff; Question: WHERE IS THE RAKE??? HE IS MY FAVOURITE CREEPYPASTA don't judge please, he is the most creepiest to me not that you are not all creepy cause you are but The RAKE stands out for me

Princess Starlight : Oh, The Rake? He's usually outside most of the time.

Dark Link : Yeah. He's here, just ... yeah

Princess Starlight : Practically all the Creepypastas are here, its just that they aren't in the mansion, is what I mean. They're probably around the Underrealm somewhere

Dark Link : Yeah, so don't hesitate to ask a Creepypasta that isn't in the mansion. We'll just call them up and have them come over is all

Princess Starlight : Yeah ^^

Dark Link : Dare: I dare Slenderman and Jeff to swap roles so Jeff will have to go into the woods to kill and Slenderman will have to get the knife and kill and they also have to wrap clothes too :p

Princess Starlight : Wrap clothes?

Dark Link : *shrug* 

Princess Starlight : Hmm.. I guess we can skip that one

Dark Link : Alright I guess

Jeff : Wait I have to what?

Dark Link : Today, you have to switch Creepypasta roles with Slenderman

Slenderman : No thank you -_- We Creepypastas were born in a certain way to see which way off killing is best for us. Thus, that is how we are Creepypastas. If I took Jeff's role, I would be found out easily because of my strange structure. I can't blend in with the crowd of normal humans. If Jeff took my spot, he wouldn't be able to teleport after the victims and would easily get tired of running. That and he's not tall enough to blend into trees.

Dark Link : Its kind of like the first scene in the first movie of Tinkerbell

Princess Starlight: Wait you saw that movie?

Dark Link: I didn't. Sally told me the whole story as punishment once

Sally : Tinkerbell! YAY!

Princess Starlight : That makes sense

Dark Link : But anyways, first scene, Tinkerbell looks around to see what type of fairy she is by looking at the different objects that she must test out

Princess Starlight : Is that really how you guys find your Creepypasta?

Slenderman : Not specifically like that, but more like when you find your destiny by exploring new things

Princess Starlight : So basically My Little Pony -_-

Slenderman : ........ We are done for today

Ask the CreepypastasOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant