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Good-fucking-whatever-time-is-it-there everyone! Not to be fucking rude, but I'm very sorry for cursing every-fucking-time I say. But w-whatever! I've made this author's note not because im gonna end this book of whatever even tho it ended anyway.

Btw, every occasion, there would be scenarios of your Sonic! Such as the Valentines Day chapter if you have read them yet...

But that's not only it! We have some voting a today!

Alright. Each of you vote ONE of the following. Do NOT VOTE TWO OR MORE from the following, alright?

»7 Minutes in Heaven
   -In this one, you have to vote for the Sonic characters. The most Sonic character would be written first. Please do not ask for any lemon or anything that says "Please be (insert name) next!!". Like I said, it's all 'bout the voting, bout the voting, no trouble!

»One shots
  -In this one, you have to vote for the Sonic characters just like 7 minutes in heaven! But instead of the rule of "Most one, First serve" shits, we're going to have to count how many people who requests for it, depending on the topic. Most vote of topic and characters will be written. Just a reminder, the topic and the character are diff.

If you still don't understand then it's just like this :

You have to choose and vote only ONE TOPIC per character. The topic is what we're going to vote first before the character. After I posted an A/N that includes topics, we have to vote now is the character. Most votes for topic w/ character will be written first.

  -In this one, we have a SPECIFIC list of characters. That means no requesting of who will go first. This one is all about snuggles, cute stuff and shits, can also include kissing, depending of the character. The thing is, we also have voting system. Everyone must vote only ONE personality for each character.

  Example :
         _Mr.NoName_ voted for Mephiles to be the cute one, 294774 votes

        XxRaspberryxX voted for Mephiles to be cuddly , 294773 votes

        oAoHUEHoAo voted for Mephiles to be a tsundere, 294772 votes

The top 3 MOST VOTED PERSONALITY of the character will be written as the way as requested. And please do NOT FOOL AROUND with personalities. Such as making someone kind and innocent and shit like that into a perverted, whore one.

»6 Sins w/ lemons
      -Alright, the sins are Lust, Envy, Wrath, Sloth, Gluttony, Greed. I know there are 7 of them but I makes it 6 cuz why the fuck not? Still have voting system but this one does not last like for 200 pages as you guys thought. You guys only have to choose 6 characters per each sin. When the 6 characters are done, there's nothing to be voting around anymore! But instead, you can choose this one with your other choice of the following. And per sin is paired with lemon!

Examples :

       _Mr.NoName_  voted to have 6 sins w/ lemons, and to have Silver to be first and to be Lust.


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