About You

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The Night time~
You are wearing a white long dress and white glass sandals with white gloves and your hair is tied up like a bun.Someone knocked to your door.It was Sonic.He go in.

Sonic : -goes in her bedroom-Hey (Y/N)!!
(Y/N) : Yeah?
Sonic : I decided that the training will start tomorrow.
(Y/N) : That's nice. But .. Is that all what you need to say?
Sonic : Uhh..ermm..I wanna show you something!
(Y/N) : Oh sure-- Woah!
Sonic : -carries (Y/N)- Hold tight!
(Y/N) : Ok! ^_^ -smiles-
Sonic : -runs away-

Sonic runs fast while carrying you. He ran as fast as he could to the place. You felt the breeze and it was cold. It touched your cheeks and you shivered with pleasure. When you and Sonic got there , he put you down. Then you realized her brought you to the beach. It was dark , beautiful and shining like stars. Sonic asked you something while you're blushing and smiling in amazement.

Sonic : Umm.. (Y/N)?..
(Y/N) : Yeah? -smiles-
Sonic : I-I wanna know 'bout you...
(Y/N) : Oh , Sure! ^_^ -smiles-
Sonic : Please tell me all 'bout you.
(Y/N) : Well..Uhh..ok! -blushes-
Sonic : You can start now..
(Y/N) : Oh, Uhh..Yeahh.. Well..

You told Sonic all about you , your favorites , what you're doing and all you wanted to someone,something or anything. You didn't told him your favorite place. You just sat down the sand. You felt it's touching you. When the water go near you Sonic go backwards and you saw him shiver and afraid. You realized he hates and afraid of water. You just smiled and Sonic go away to build a fire. You guys felt warm. (Away from the sea) Then Sonic asked you something.

Sonic : (Y-(Y/N) ?... -blushes-
(Y/N) : Yeah? -smiles-
Sonic : D-Do you feel w-warm?
(Y/N) : Not really...
Sonic : -smirks and stands up-
(Y/N) : So-Sonic?
Sonic : -hugs (Y/N)-
(Y/N) : W-What are you doing?! -blushes-
Sonic : -blushes- Well.. You said you don't feel warm and I don't have a jacket so..I hope this would make you warm! -smiles-
(Y/N) : Oh uh..ok..

You felt your chest is not it's like there's fireworks inside and your heart is beating fast you don't know why. When you look at the left you're gonna see Sonic's Emerald green eyes. It was sparkling and beautiful that makes you blush more. The bun you tied up become to fall. Your hair is floating right wards and Sonic's quils too. Sonic's quils touched you head and makes you blush. It was so soft like a pillow. You looked at the left and Sonic too. You almost kissed but turned away. Sonic stopped hugging you and asked you something. You stared at his beautiful , sparkling Emerald green eyes and Sonic is staring at your sparkling , (F/C) eyes..

Sonic : (Y/N)?
(Y/N) : Y-Yeah? -blushes-
Sonic : W-What is your favorite place?
(Y/N) : Well.. -smiles- It's my big secret but I could tell to my bestfriend.
Sonic : B-best friend?
(Y/N) : Yeah , we're bestfriends right? -smiles-
Sonic : -looks away and upset- Y-Yeah..
(Y/N) : Is something wrong?
Sonic : Oh , nothing..
(Y/N) : Well.. My favorite place is here. A dark blue , sparkling beach. A dark sky wont a sparkling moon and beautiful stars. A cold breeze that when it touched your skin you'll shiver. It's also a great place to propose a love to someone or party.

Sonic : Propose? A love? -blushes-
(Y/N) : Yeah! -smiles-
Sonic : Hhmm.. -thinks- *I know I saw that place before--That's it!*
(Y/N) : Is something wrong?
Sonic : No. It's just late we need to go home before somebody attacks us.
(Y/N) : Yeah , I agree..

You and Sonic go back home. You slept to you bedroom and Sonic too.
Me : Hope you guys enjoyed the romantic scene!
Sonic : Oh I really enjoyed it!
Me : Yeah , yeah -m-
Shadow : That's not romantic! Seriously? A stupid beach?!
Me : Oh Shadz~ It's romantic too but my favorite place is the most ;)
Shadow : What is it?
Me : Secret! -winks-
Shadow : Tsk..fine!
(Y/N) : I enjoyed the scene especially the breeze touched you cheeks part.
Me : Yeah.
Shadow : Tsskk..it's stupid.
Me : Shadow , who's your fav character In this story?
Shadow : Heh..-smirks- Myself.
Me : -stares at his bloody red eyes-
Shadow : What are you staring at?
Me : I'm gonna make a romantic fan fiction like this and the main boy character is YOU.
Shadow : What ?! No way!
Me : On my notepad.
Shadow : Atleast they wont read that stupid fan fiction heh.
Me : But still you're gonna act
Shadow : Shut up!
Me : Please be tuned for the chapter! :) ^_^

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